George and The Spin Factory, Part 2

George and the Spin Factory Part 2.
Part 1
We look in on President George Bush as he glares at his Oval Office Radio. “You take that back you lying sack of sugar. Who in heck is going to believe that boy when he says that Rove has the mark of the beast on his back?”
“Lots of people do, sir. Lots of them.”
“We should get rid of them. How could they be of any use to us?”
“On the contrary sir, each election, a certain percentage of those people mistakenly vote Republican. It’s a small but important number. We call it the Bong Blip.”
“I don’t care, I tell you. I don’t see how people believe this stuff.I have my best people out there trying to fight all these lies. Where’s my remote control? What channel is today’s press conference on?
“All of them, Mr. President.”
“Okay, where’s the All button? Oops. Oh there’s Scotty right now.”
“Thank you for joining us today at this press conference.”
“Al Franken says that Rove bears the mark of the best. Your opinion?”
The President watches from his office. “Watch this — he’s gonna tear him apart.”
“We can neither confirm nor deny that Mr. Rove bears the mark of the beast. In fact, we don’t know WHERE he shops — but we do believe it should be his own personal business. No matter what the Patriot Acts says in the fine print.”
“See — nothing but the best. How do they make that stuff stick?”
Slowly, the invitations start to go out.
We catch up to Michael Moore, who sits at home — eating.
“Sir, you have received an interesting email.” Said Seymour.
“I told you to tell them it was Artistic License.”
“No, sir. It’s not the usual email. It’s the other kind?”
“Free invite?”
“It appears you are invited to attend a function of Al Franken and Company.”
“Hot dog!”
“So you are excited by this, sir?”
“No. I mean, get me some hot dog. You guys are really slow today. And call the Hygiene Cabin – tell them to have the full crew ready.”
Dan Rather sits in his office. “So this is a computer, huh? Wow, this is cool. This is nothing like a typewriter — oh so THAT’S what they mean by ‘font’?”
“Yes, Mr. Rather. ”
“So how come I haven’t heard from Al Franken? I want an invite to that tour. You HAVE been calling him, haven’t you?”
“Sir, I’ve left messages for him repeatedly..”
“And you’re saying–?”
“What you told me to say sir, that the Most Powerful Man in the History of Broadcasting would like a word with him–”
“Funny. He should have called by now.”

The phone rings in the EIB headquarters. The receptionist is on the job. “Rush Limbaugh’s office– NO. No. For the last time — HE SAYS HE DIDN’T CALL YOU!! Damn Air America people.”
“Mr. President. You have a letter here.”
“Look at that. Ain’t that pretty. It says right here: To The Real Winner Of the 2000 election. It look”s like some kind of invitation? Where did you find this?”
“Uh, for some strange reason it was stuck to a tree out on Pennsylvania Avenue.””
“Ha ha. You mean near that spot where Al Gore used to sit right after I was declared the winner of the 2000 election? I miss that. I’m glad we pinned up that fake beard on that tree — reminds me of simpler days.”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
“Gee, those sure were fun days, weren’t they. Me waving at him from the Oval Office window. Him waving back giving me the thumbs up…”
“Ahem. Mr. President. Er. That wasn’t his thumb”

“Thanks Betty for joining us on the Katie show and sharing your recipe with us, today”
Matt Lauer looks on . Surprised. “Katie, it’s not called the Katie show. It’s called–”
“SHUT up. You want it to be called the MATT SHOW don’t you. Don’t you.? Anyway, Betty. Thanks for coming on and sharing your recipe for Evil American Empire Muffins. ”
“Sure,Katie, but they’re called American Muffins, not..”
“Whatever. That’s it for today’s show. On tomorrow’s show we’ll talk about a poor, sad Iraqi boy who is being held by the American Military in Iraq. We’ll share his sad story with you and make you hate America even more than we do. Bye bye now.”
The producer steps out from behind the camera. “That’s a wrap people. Katie, what’s with the poor Iraqi boy?”
“Oh, aren’t we doing that segment on Saddam Hussein? Deep down, he’s just a poor, scared little boy.”
“Yeah,” said Matt. “A poor little boy who slaughtered millions of people.”
“An invitation to the Air America Headquarters? This could be our big break. We would learn how all of that stuff is done!”
“Mr. President — may I remind you that in all probability, that letter was meant for former Vice President Al Gore? Many on the left still believe he won the election”
“So? Couldn’t I just go and pretend to be Al Gore?”
“You could — but you don’t even have a beard. And before you say it — the one outside on the tree has bird dropping in it and is filthy.”
“So it’s TOO realistic? Darn it. Hey, what if we look in the Holiday supply closet? Didn’t one of the Christmas Santa’s have a black beard?”
“Yes, sir. That was the Latino Clause outfit. Very much like the American Santa Clause but with a few culturally sensitive changes.”

A reporter arrives on the scene as the ceremonies get underway. She looks around in disbelief, “Wow I haven’t seen this many Lefties since they crashed that Marine’s funeral. Okay, let’s get out shots ready. I want to see which 5 have been invited to attend this Clam Bake.”
Tune in tomorrow for more of this semi-interesting story.


  1. //The phone rings in the EIB headquarters. The receptionist is on the job. “Rush Limbaugh’s office– NO. No. For the last time — HE SAYS HE DIDN’T CALL YOU!! Damn Air America people.”//
    ROFLMAO!!! OMG!!! Heehee!! you’re awesome!!

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