I Wonder What Would Happen If I Wrote Something Substantive…

John Hawkins has his biggest traffic day ever (more than twice my highest day of traffic) from a very informative article he wrote. Go read the article, and see the lovely hate mail he got.
Yay, Hawkins!


  1. You know what you need to do, Frank: 8 lies about the attack on the moon. Show the fools that you did not lie about ninjas and monkeys planning their attack from the moon…it’s time to come clean!

  2. The louder the Libs scream, they more they prove that:
    -The truth hurts
    -How entrenched and addicted to their hate-filled, defeatist, surreal fantasies they are.
    Man they’re stupid. ‘Mustar’ gas. hehahah Do they not watch the history channel?

  3. “Muster gas”? What the hell is that. The odor at roll call? All my time in the Army and I missed the class about “muster gas”.
    Geez, I’ve been mislead all this time. I give up, I guess it is “nucular”!

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