IMAO Podcast: Spies Like Us

Our latest podcast is available at our sister site
This week’s theme for the IMAO Podcast is “espionage” and features:

  • The President giving IMAO a secret mission (if they can prove they are good spies)
  • Sarah and Frank contemplating their wedding plans
  • Laurence Simon’s bedtime story is a cloak and dagger version of Billy Goat’s Gruff
  • Harvey’s Fun Facts about Florida
  • Sarah reviewing “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and attacks Mancow for his appearance on Fox & Friends
  • IMAO scoops everyone with newly declassified spy tapes

All iPodder and Apple iTunes users subscribed to the feed should have the IMAO Podcast MP3 waiting for them right now. If you want help on subscribing to the IMAO Podcast, see our extensive Step-By-Step Help site.
To download the newest IMAO Podcast, click here.
Look for Frank to post a couple of the IMAO Podcast bits as small, e-mail sized MP3s here on the IMAO Blog soon. We encourage everyone to download these small versions of the IMAO Podcast and then e-mail them to all of your friends. I can’t always get on the radio to pimp the podcast so let’s get some word of mouth going for IMAO!


  1. RE: Dr. PhatTony’s Question to Ducky
    Someone plays too many videogames. PP7 is what they call Bond’s gun in Goldeneye for N64 (and some other bond games) where they change the name of real guns. It’s actually a Walther PPK (and fires a dismal .32 according to the first movie). In Tomorrow Never Dies, Bond switched to the 9mm Walther P99… which is SarahK’s favorite gun (and, incidentally, she can shoot the whiskers off a fly with it).

  2. Good podcast kids. Just a few comments and questions.
    1. What’s up with SarahK and this Harry Potter stuff? Doesn’t she know it’s a kids book? Come to think of it, why are so many adults reading a book meant for children?
    2. Since the Pope (who’s a class act by the way) has come forward and said that Harry Potter promotes the study of the occult, has SarahK started to practice the black arts?
    3. Is that how she got Frank to propose?
    4. No t-shirt giveaway this week?!

  3. Hey, I THOUGHT those numbers sounded funny. But like i said – I’m more of a knife person.
    Exile: Why are adults reading kids books. Because they’re, like, fun and grown up books, like, suck.
    As far as the Pope’s condemnation of HP, I don’t understand people who say that the Potter series will get people involved in the black arts. Just the other day, we were leaving The Black MAss when I said to my familiar – “Go get me some Corpse Brains please…”

  4. Unfortunately I played that game against my nephew a few weeks ago and it was the first thing that came to mind. Either way the 9mm and .32 is a sissy round. If Ducky reads my question instead of FrankJ, do I get like a mouse pad or bandana or something?

  5. According to the current James Bond author Raymond Benson, Ian Fleming picked the “Walther PPK” because he liked the way the name sounded.
    I had to flip slide images for Mr. Benson at a convention where he spoke. Later, when he signed one of his books for me, he wrote, “Thanks for the help!” I hope to have grandchildren someday who find that book, flip it open, and wonder what the HECK I could have done to help a James Bond author. THAT will be fun.

  6. Frank will post email sized versions of Sarah’s review of Harry Potter from the podcast here on the blog tomorrow (Tuesday).
    When you see the link, download it and send it to friends… hey, send it to “Fox and Friends” while you’re at it!

  7. Nice set-up with the President, Frank J.
    Cool De-Classified Tapes From Hell.
    Great “Fun Facts” about Florida,
    Excellent Reverb on the introduction to “Reviews Fom Sarah K!” SarahK has shown some great range in her review!
    Four out of Five stars.

  8. Kinda OT, but I don’t want people thinking Bond is soft because he used a sissy gun early on in his carreer. (God, it’s pathetic that I know this but…)The Walther PPK was the gun that Bond used, but it was not Bond’s PREFERRED handgun. In the beginning of Dr. No Bond is odered by M to carry the Walther PPK to maintain the lower death rate inflicted by 00 agents under his regime. His weapon of choice is a Berreta, but I can’t remember what calibre. Hence the joke in Johnny English where English chooses the Berreta over the Walther. I watch way too many movies. Now don’t ask me why I can remember all that, but can’t recall anything useful like where I left my car keys, or how much money I’ve spent this month.

  9. i don’t have anything against sweet Michelle Malkin.. it did get a little annoying when i first moved here, though, Frank always going on about her. “Michelle Malkin, what a sweet woman… Michelle Malkin is the sweetest pundit ever… Michelle Malkin this… Michelle Malkin that…”
    so we have a little joke that i get angry when he talks about Michelle. but i don’t really… much.

  10. I used to consider myself a liberal but you guys are curing me… I never knew right-wingers could be this funny. Thanks for making this po’ West Virginian’s day a little brighter!

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