John Kerry Cares About Our National Security for a Change

I haven’t really been following this whole Plame affair thingy with Rove, but then I got a letter from John Kerry (he served in Vietnam). Thus, I decided to give this matter my full attention:

Dear Frank,

That’s me!

Less than two weeks ago, members of the community demanded that Karl Rove be fired for his deliberate attempt to, once again, use the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks to divide America.

Yeah, his statement that divided this country – the weenies from the non-weenies. Have those upset by his statement thought of getting therapy along with the terrorists?

Now Karl Rove is embroiled in another controversy concerning the leaked identity of a covert CIA agent, which was done to punish her husband, a man who had the courage to tell the truth about manipulated intelligence in Iraq.

Ooh! That sounds bad! Tell me more!

Karl Rove is the President’s top advisor in the White House and what he has admitted doing has deep and troubling consequences for our national security.

Trouble consequences for national security! We could all die! We need to… Wait a minute; when did John Kerry suddenly become concerned with national security?

It’s hard to understand how the President can tolerate his top advisor being involved in exposing a CIA agent in the name of politics by telling reporters about her work – making her already dangerous job that much more dangerous.

I thought I heard she was at a desk job at the time. Did Karl Rove give her thinner paper to increase her risks of paper cuts?

In order to do what the President called on us to do earlier this week – “continue to take the fight to the enemy” – the White House and Karl Rove must stop taking it to their so-called political enemies here at home.

So John Kerry is really concerned with taking “the fight to the enemy” and not griping about the soda being flat at Gitmo?

It’s perfectly clear that Rove – the person at the center of the slash and burn, smear and divide tactics that have come to characterize the Bush Administration – has to go.

I always thought the Bush Administration was characterized more by dumb joke and terrorists killing. Even if we wanted Rove to go, though, what could we do?

Wow! A whole URL for firing Rove! Does he know about this? Does he know I know about this? Am I in danger now?

The problem is that, instead of protecting the American people from real threats to our security, this Administration spends its time protecting Karl Rove. That’s not leadership.

And John Kerry knows not leadership. Yeah, if Scott McClellan didn’t have to spend a few minutes the past couple press conferences being asked about Rove, we could have caught Osama bin Laden by now.

They’re doing their best to brush off this new Rove controversy as just another political story, but this time they are having a harder time getting away with it. That’s why, if we raise our voices now, we can really make a difference.

You sure this time you’ll make a difference? Because you liberals have had a lot of false starts thinking your noise-making would make a difference. How will we make our voice heard, though?

Please ask all your friends to sign our “Fire Rove” petition today:

Hey! There’s that URL again! Let go to it now!
Or keep reading…

Despite carefully worded denials, it is now apparent that Karl Rove discussed the identity of an undercover CIA agent with a reporter.

Apparently she was undercover as someone well known to be a CIA agent. Ingenious!

His clear aim was to discredit that agent’s husband who had dared to challenge the Administration in the buildup to the war.

Didn’t you vote for the buildup for war, Kerry? That means he was challenging you too! You shouldn’t stand for that; you served in Vietnam. If I were you, I’d out his wife as a CIA agent.

There appears to be no limit to the lengths to which Rove – and this Administration – will go.

I hear Bush even has a plan to go to Mars.

But, there is a limit to the patience of the American people – and we have reached it.

And there’s an even shorter limit to our attention spans. What’s your point now?

President Bush has a choice to make: Spend the months ahead focused on protecting Karl Rove’s job security or spend them focused on protecting America’s national security.

Sure he could focus on national security, but then you’d just say he’s not focusing on jobs… and you’ve have a point, too, since Karl Rove would have just lost his.

We are asking the President and the White House to do what they promised. When the scandal first broke, here’s what the President’s spokesman, Scott McClellan, said:

What did he say? What did he say?

“If anyone in this Administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this Administration.” (9/29/03, White House press briefing). Now we will find out if the Administration honors its word.

Yeah, but that’s before they knew the evil genius Karl Rove was behind this. Why, this whole scandal could be some plan of his. Maybe even this letter!
I just wish there was some way I could pointlessly sign a petition to fire Karl Rove…

Call on President Bush to keep his word and fire Rove now:

Oh yeah! That URL!

It’s as simple as this: We need President Bush and his White House staff to focus on finally taking action necessary to avoid a quagmire in Iraq.

Not the Q word again. So Karl Rove needs to get fired so people stop comparing Iraq to Vietnam? Didn’t you serve in Vietnam? Why didn’t you do a better job and keep it from being a quagmire?

The American people can’t afford to wait while the White House spends its time and energy defending a top presidential aide’s dangerous political maneuvers.

I’m pretty sure Karl Rove can defend himself. I heard he once fought 90 other samurai at once!
Or was that Miyamato Mushashi…

In the days ahead, the President will either make good on his promise to hold accountable those who shared the identity of a secret soldier in the war on terror – or he’ll prove that promise hollow.

Secret soldier? Are we still talking about that woman who posed in Vanity Fair?

We now know that Karl Rove “was involved” in a breach of national security.

Wow! Using the White House’s lingo against them; that’s smart. No wonder you did nearly as well as President Bush at Yale.

Decency – and the interests of the American people – demand an end to Karl Rove’s days in the White House. It’s time for you to demand it as well.

But how can we do that?

Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me about the webpage again.

I urge you to take action right now.
John Kerry

Only one more question: Will this online petition be e-mailed to Bush, or actually printed out and mailed so he can use it as toilet paper?


  1. I wonder if Karl Rove is keeping John Kerry from inventing Cold Fusion and ‘Virtually Eliminating the Need for Middle East Oil, by Replacing it With a Clean and Safe Power Supply’.

  2. I filled out the petition and added these comments:
    I think that you Democrats are a bunch of wimpering snots. There is no actual evidence that Mr. Rove did anything wrong. You have taken individual facts out of context and whipped them into a scandal that doesn’t actually exist.
    Of course, that’s about par for the course with you guys. You think the Clinton impeachment was about sex, don’t you?
    I wonder if my name will make it?

  3. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this or not, I know few people know this, but I recently became aware of the fact that John Kerry served in Vietnam 🙂
    When I read that on the post I almost chocked on my Sunkist Soda.

  4. So typical of the political party with no ideas, no agenda and no real hope.
    They can’t beat Rove in the arena of ideas so they resort to lies, half truths and unfounded accusations.
    If they devoted half the attention to winning the war we are in that they do to undermining the adminstration they might have a chance to actually win an election.
    And I don’t know who said Kerry has a Purple Heart…but get it right he has three…Two splinters and a stubbed toe…and you know how painful a stubbed toe can be!

  5. In addition, I love how in a letter he is bashing Bush by bashing the guy who is supposedly the reason bush is bashing everybody else. But when KERRY bashes the bush admin. in a letter, well, like you said, the man devoted a whole URL to it. So who am I to question.

  6. Dear John,
    It is with complete sadness that I must break off our affair. You know you have no shot at ever being president yet you keep upstaging me every chance you get. Remember how close we were on the campaign trail. What happened? Are you still getting you political advice from Teresa. Well that bitch can have you back. Just wait, I will be in the oval office one day and it won’t be Monica under the desk either you sh*t head. I won’t forget this. And how did you get that cool URL so fast?
    PS. You suck. That is the only thing I like about you.

  7. Hehe, I said Since when did Kerry get so concerned with national security? Are you flip-waffling again? Oh yeah, and a petition isn’t going to get Rove fired. Karl Rove is teh RoXx0r. His L337 HaXx0r skillz pwn you liberal n3wbs. Go save a dolphin or cry about a flushed Koran. on his petition.

  8. FRANK!
    just out of curiosity, do you have any way of verifing the source of these emails? As you may know, other blogs are getting notes from ‘Dems’ that actually come from Eastern European wackos. Or perhaps even French people. Could it be that the entire EU is a part of the Rove master plan for world domination?
    Need proof? check out the article at Communists for Kerry

  9. Can you truly “know” the Evil Karl Rove. Wouldn’t FrankJ’s “Know Thy Enemy” just be another Rove plot to bring down the world and fatten Haliburton’s stock holders pockets. You are playing with fire, when you ask to learn more about the Darth Rove.

  10. Oh my, to quote the article, am I in danger now? He is like smoke in the wind… This is why we need to know more, before we give that sneaky guy what he really wants: an opportunity to steal Christmas (er, or was that the ACLU?)

  11. I added my comments to Kerry’s I-Hate-Rove site. Here’s my comments:
    “You people are pathetic. You’re going to get egg on your faces again, and we’ll just add it to the list of embarassing Democratic moments since the 2004 Election began…and it’s a long list.
    “Senator Kerry, you’re simply embarassing yourself all over again. First of all, you’re wrong for calling for judgment to be passed before an investigation is complete and proof is presented, but that can simply be chalked up to the fact that you come from Massachusetts, which has never been known for its sense of justice (examples available from the Salem Witch Trials to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne to the wrongful imprisonment of Gerald Amirault). Second, you’re almost definitely wrong about Rove. Third, anything he is accused of doing pales in comparison to the actions you took near the tail end of the Vietnam War (I’m referring to your treasonous behavior in Paris when you met with the Viet Cong leadership).
    “You’re a fool. I hope that the people of Massachusetts realize how bad you are for this nation, and vote you out of office in the next election. You and Kennedy have done your best to dork up this nation, and we’re sick of it.
    “Leave Karl Rove alone. You have to taste, no talent, and no class, and you’re acting like a whiny, sulking child. We all know why you’re doing this: Karl Rove was the person most responsible for your humiliating defeat in November 2004, and now you’re lashing out like a little brat.
    “Grow up, Kerry. America is tired of you.”

  12. Karl, My Son… You do your illegitimate heritage good. When I conceived you in that un-holy union with J. Edgar, I never thought that you would amount to much. Boy, you surely suprised this old man. I am proud of the way you slime your opponents and the dirty tricks you have pulled. The Lake of the Ozarks affair, Bugging your own campaign offices (I sure hope the bugs weren’t recording anything that could come back to haunt you, Let me tell you that kind of thing hurts…), Smearing John McCain, an ex-POW and war hero by sending out that faked information that he had an illegitimate child by a black woman… Now, the latest and best by far, Outing a NOC operative of the CIA just to discredit and punish someone for not backing you up on your lies… You do Conservitism and the Republican Party. I’ll keep a place down here by my side for you… By the way, you got any dirt on this Beelzebub character, he is making it hot for me here…

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