RWD Interviews the Evil Twin

Here at IMAO, we’re not just about ridicule and mockery — we also strive to interview the famous and not so famous. Plus we sell t-shirts.
Anyway, we’ve spent a lot of time mocking Howard Dean — or as we call him God’s Blessing on Republicans. However, today’s post is dedicated to informing our readers of another Dean, someone who has worked hard all of his life to make a difference, only to be cast out like a cheap brochure from the Dan Rather Memo Verification Seminar.
However, at IMAO we strive to bring you the truth — wherever we might find it. Today, we have a very special interview.
RWD’s interview with Howard Dean”s Evil Twin.

RWD: Hello, Evil Twin.
Stevie:I have a name you know. Call me Stevie.
RWD Okay. So, evil twin, I mean Stevie. So, are you really twins?
Stevie:I was born first. Howard just 15 minutes later. To this day he keeps asking for a recount. He says mom was plotting against him.
RWD So where have you been? How come we haven’t heard of you?
Stevie:Well, Howard doesn’t like me surfacing. He says an Evil Twin has no place in politics.
RWD:What makes you evil?
Stevie:Well, you know. I’m a youth pastor at a small church in Ohio. I married a female, and I tend to vote Republican.

Stevie:(laughs) Yeah, nice to know one of my votes in Ohio might have made the difference for Dubya. I almost didn’t make it. Somebody slashed my tires.
RWD: #!@&* . You think Howard did it?
Stevie:Watch you language young man. Not only did they slash the tires, they wrote “Mom loves me best” on the windshield.
Stevie:Yes, but you know. I’d like to thank you and the staff at IMAO for all of the laughs. I can’t believe Frank has been blogging for three years now.
RWD:You read IMAO?
Stevie:Oh, yes. You guys are too silly. I pray for you guys and that the Holy Spirit will give you clarity to see the folly in our world. Sometimes humor is a good weapon to use to mock the silly ideas of our age.
RWD:Sounds like your faith in Christ is important to you. What was it like growing up with Howard?
Stevie:What was it like growing up? We were both good kids. We both studied very hard and went to church. I went to a bible believing church. Howard wasn’t happy with it, so he eventually found one with a bike path AND a gym! That made him happy Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays — even the occasional Sunday.
RWD:You seem to have a small scar. Is there a story?
Stevie: (chuckles) Sure thing, Ducky. Memories. Ah memories.
In high school, Howard and I both ran for student body president. At the debate, I gave a speech on personal responsibility, diligence, and hard work. I got a good response to that.
Howard came out, threw a water pitcher at me and stood on stage screaming and spitting for two straight minutes. He lost the election — but next week was voted to lead the school’s chapter of the Young Democrats. I won of course. Howard placed fourth, a few votes behind Ura Dork and I.P. Freeley.
RWD:Thanks for visiting with us. Do you mind if we keep in touch with you as things develop in the political arena?
Stevie:That would be delightful. I love reading your stuff Ducky. I remember when you and Harvey were guest bloggers. I loved the wild stuff you would get away with. Remember the time [CENSORED BECAUSE FRANK MIGHT BE READING]
RWD:Thanks, Stevie.
Stevie:God bless you, Ducky. You and the crew at IMAO.
Update: I know most IMAO readers know this, but I want to credit Cadet Happy with the ‘enhanced’ picture of Stevie Dean. Man, they look alike, almost as if they were twins.. oh, yeah.


  1. I’d say Dean’s Evil Twin is a keeper. IMAO should keep him on staff to respond to anything Dean says. You know, so at least an intelligent viewpoint can came out of the whole thing.

  2. Isn’t it sad how RWD makes it sound like he planned on bringing Dean’s Evil Twin back from the beginning, while we all know that it was my call (seconded by Tracey) for his return that will ultimately lead to it? Credit where credit is due, fool!
    j/k kutgwrwd.

  3. You’re right. Once again, my evil conspiracy has been revealed.
    Curse you all!!! Karl Rove leaked it!!
    BTW, just as an aside, let’s see if this interview just HAPPENS to set up future interviews perfectly.
    CHRTh, I would have done your questions for Ask Ducky on the podcast but had no idea how to pronounce your name.

  4. It’s ok, RWD, I’ve dealt with that before.
    It actually has two pronunciations: Kirth, or Chrith, either works.
    (if you want to make it up to me, you can make sure the email from christian_thoma at gets the free t-shirt this week 😉 )

  5. Ura Dork and I.P. Freeley”
    roars with laughter (not a usual response to most stuff I read, I don’t LOL easily).
    I’m half-tempted to change my nick…..
    Good stuff Ducky!
    Kudos to Cadet Happy, I do a little Photoshopping myself, but not at that level.

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