Tell Me Vegetable Oil Is Prone to Uncontrollable Combustion

You’d think Jane Fonda may have gained some insight in her years since being a traitor during Vietnam, but, no, she’s going on an anti-war bus tour. Is there anyone in America with less credibility than her to be protesting a war?
Hopefully she’ll go all the way again and pose with insurgents in Iraq. Then, Marines can raid the are killing her and all the insurgents in a hail of gunfire. Frankly, I think her being shot to death as an enemy combatant is the only way she’ll learn.
Oh, I need to get a quote from my dad on this one…


  1. Just tell me why the (Takes a deep breath) ^&(^&$^$^%&%^&%&^$$%&%$^$&^%%^&%&^%%&%%&$^%$&%(&%&%&%&%&%&% (Takes another deep breath)&%#!$#!$#$&)++)_)&$^%$&^)(&^$#$*&^%(**^ is still alive?

  2. “Fonda incited controversy in July 1972 when she was photographed sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun while on a tour of the country to drum up support to end the war.”
    Oh, I thought she incited controversy by getting prisoners of war killed for trying to get notes out to their families.

  3. It’s time this freakin’ communist heifer, wait she’s too old to be a heifer, communist bottom feeding, sewer-gas ho bag was impaled on a spike. No, I’m sorry that was wrong. She should be set on fire and then impaled on a spike. Probably will need oven mitts for that.

  4. Wait, Jane Fonda is opposed to the war in Iraq. I knew we made a mistake going into Iraq before running it by Barbarella. But all is not lost. Maybe Amy Carter is still on board with us.

  5. And so another generation of Americans can spit and curse profusely at the image of Jane Fonda. Keep spreading the ‘goodwill,’ Barbarella! As the wife of a Army officer about to go to Iraq, I think I speak for both him and my father (a Vietnam Vet) when I say, “May you burn in hell, Jane Fonda! Thanks for nothing.” I know at least one family member of an Iraq vet who won’t be joining Jane’s hippie bus tour. I wonder if John Kerry will be joining her again – just like old times!

  6. The only good thing about her was her boobs in “Barbarella,” and they were aftermarket add-ons. I expect they’ve deteriorated and been removed by now. What a waste of oxygen, let alone a waste of perfectly good used deep fryer oil.

  7. Maybe they can set the oil temperature to “Deep Fat Fry”. Ugh.
    Yeah, really. Like Florence Henderson used to say, “you can use Wesson oil for more than just frying chicken!”. (I know I’ve got a .wav of that somewhere. Must find it…)

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