Y’all Needs to be Pimp’n Frank J. for His Blogiversary

Susie of Practical Penumbra posted the following at Alliance HQ. Even if you’re not a member of The Alliance of Free Blogs, you’re encouraged to play along, if you’re so inclined.

Today is Frank’s 3rd blogiversary, so to celebrate I am going to blatantly encourage “link-doping” in order to nudge him up the Ecosystem! My evil plan was to pick a post of his, and exhort everyone to link to it with just “Indeed.” The problem is, once I got to IMAO, I couldn’t find anything Frank wrote! There’s some really funny stuff by Harvey and rightwingduck, but I had to scroll half way to the next blog to find Frank’s last post–and it’s just a blockquote from somewhere else.
What the heck. A trackback is a trackback, right? So everyone blog:
The permalink is https://www.imao.us/index.php/2005/07/time-to-have-a-pint/ and the trackback url is http://www.imao.us/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi/2858


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