A Story, Bit-by-Bit
Superego: Part 5 – A Psychopath’s Vacation

So Dip wakes me up when we land on good ‘ole planet something-or-other. I guess each planet is unique in its own way – like each person is unique in his own way – but I’m more concerned with what’s the same. What things can I expect no matter where I go? What behavior can I expect no matter what sort of sentient I deal with? This is how I survive. This is how I live.
As you know, my job is to kill people. There are two main parts to that job – the killing and the not getting killed. The second part is never specified in jobs I’m assigned by the syndicate, but, if I die, I don’t get paid… and I only consider a job done when I get paid.
Most of the time my jobs involve going some place I’ve never been killing people I’ve never met. But, when you’ve been so many places and killed so many people, it all starts to blend together. I can predict most cities’ layouts from all the other places I’ve been. I can predict how people react when I barge into a place shooting from all the other sentients I’ve shot down. Of course, I’m surprised every now and then (surprises make things interesting), but it’s happens less and less often.
The way I see my career as a hitman going is I’ll either end up dead or bored (guess which one I’m betting on).
Now, interacting with people gun to gun is one thing, talking to people in what most would consider a normal everyday interaction is extremely difficult for me. As I freely admit, I’m a psychopath – my mind does not work like that of normal sentients. I have very little human emotions and completely lack what people call morals or values. I’m just incapable of them. To me, killing a man is just another action – like eating, sleeping, walking, etc. I understand the concepts of “guilt” and “horror” that people might have in reaction to violent actions, I just don’t share them. I have no desire to share them. But, I still need to interact with normal sentients without them thinking (correctly) that I’m a psychopath, and that means I have to act like a normal human.
And that’s harder than you might think.
Quick question: What would be the expected reaction from a crowd of people who saw you stomp to death a child’s puppy? I bet you could answer that right away. Me, it took a couple minutes to logically deduct (and, no, I didn’t find out that hard way). What most people just “know” without effort is mentally taxing for me.
So, yes, I avoid people. First thing I did when landing on planet-something-or-other was buy a few supplies (you can usually be curt and emotionless in simple financial transaction without standing out) and then went out to some remote area to practice shooting.
I like shooting… even more since the surgery to my brain. I actually have a part of my brain separated just for targeting things with my left hand. When it works right, I’m actually perceiving and targeting two things at once – it’s really hard to describe other than to say it’s fun (and, yes, before you think I’m a total freak, I do have fun – I just don’t smile when I do). Shooting is most important, anyway, because my whole life revolves around killing people, and I do that primarily through shooting (I’m okay with hand to hand combat and know a little demolitions, but fast and accurate shooting is my bread and butter).
It’s nice to have a purpose in life. Most people – almost all – have no real focus. That basic nature they have and I lack pushes them through life with little logical analysis. I, on the other hand, always know why I’m doing something. I shoot so I can kill better. I exercise and eat right so I’m physically fit enough to run after people I want to shoot. And, because it’s needed, I talk to people, because it helps to understand people to kill them.
Oh, and I like nature shows. Always great predator/prey dynamics going on with non-sentients that I find useful. Not much else on T.V. is very interesting. I could watch the news, but that mainly just gives me insight on news anchors and news editors – not common targets. Also, dramas are nearly useless because that just gives me insight into actors, writers, cinematographers, and directors – also not common targets. I get plenty of new ideas, though, from watching non-sentients either kill or survive seemingly certain death. When you get someone to a life and death situation, there’s not much separating him from an animal.
If I weren’t so disciplined, I’d spend all day watching nature shows (Dip watches them with me; I don’t think he gets too much out of them, though, based on the question he’ll ask which usually deal with specifics about the creatures we watched). Because I am disciplined, on my downtime, I go into town and talk to people as part of my training.
I do not think you can understand how quickly this mentally drains me. I use a few rules to keep from getting into big trouble, the main being I do not use violence outside of finishing a job or defense of my own life. I don’t even kill insects; that might seem to take it to an extreme since everyone else kills them all the time, but I just know I’m going to run into some situation where killing an insect is inappropriate, and I don’t want to waste mental power on figure when that is. While in town on planet something-or-another, some alien tried to pickpocket me. I just gently swatted him away. Maybe breaking his hand would have been appropriate, but too many variables to consider there.
No violence is enough to keep me from looking like a psychopath and instead, at worst, appear as someone who is simply rude. I try to do better, though.
It’s funny (as in odd; not as in makes me laugh); what most people would consider hard sentient interactions are the easiest for me to imitate just by observation. Picking up women, for instance – so easy it’s not even a science (yes, lock up your daughters; this psychopath can seduce about any woman). My lack of an emotional investment helps, and I just follow a few routines I’ve figured out. Mainly not useful interactions, though; never been assigned to kill a bar-hopping human female.
The real challenge is what most refer to as chit-chat. Someone tells me about their life or day, and I am supposed to react and reply in some standard manner I’ve yet to fully decode. I have this slight smile I use (bad when smile not appropriate), and I have this head nodding rate for listening (too slow, not noticeable; too fast, people look at you weird). Have made up life and days I got from listening to other people to use in response (“Well, you should have heard what happened to me today…”). I’m getting very good, but I still laugh when I shouldn’t or don’t laugh when I should. I usually try to recover by blaming the fallibility of the universal translator. If I run into someone speaking basic human, then I just have to play along with that I’m intolerably rude and anger the person into storming away (rude people are quite common and not suspicious).
On top of all this, sentients are extremely boring as a rule. And, as I said, they all seem alike; I’d swear I keep running into the same people no matter what planet I go to. So it’s all this mentally taxing work for so little gain. Still, I learn a little bit each time I attempt talkee-talk, and you never know when that little bit will keep you alive or help keep someone else not alive.
After a week of training on planet something-or-another, I finally get a call back from Vito. Talking to him is easy since it’s mostly just about being threatening, and, when threatening, the complicated graces of normal conversations are thrown out the window.

Fun Trivia

What’s the risk in making a recess appointment?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

First Day Of The Month, Vote!

It’s a brand spanking new month and there’ll be a brand spanking new IMAO podcast up in a few minutes or hours or something. Update: it’s up.
So why not take a moment and cast a brand spanking new vote for the IMAO podcast at podcast alley?
Update and BUMP: Air America is spanking us!
Vote for IMAO or Al Franken and AirDeadbeat win!
Update 2: We are ahead of Air America! Good job, Ronin! We are just two little votes shy of breaking into the top ten.

Know Thy Enemy: Ants

This weekend, I tried to pull out all the weeds in my front yard so my HOA wouldn’t yell at me. But, after pulling out a certain weed patch, I uncovered an ant nest, and they attacked me and everything.
Now I have itchy bumps on my hand that itch. To help others, I sent my crack research team to find out all they can about the diabolical ant.

Continue reading ‘Know Thy Enemy: Ants’ »

You Will Fear the Mustache

President Bush has appointed John Bolton to be the U.N. Ambassador through the power of recess appointments. Once the Democrats in Congress are doing playing on their swing sets and come back from recess, expect them to make much noise in impotent rage.
It will be too late, though. There is no stopping the Bolton. He will soon march into the U.N. Headquarters full of hands on his hips anger, and IMAO predicts there will be no survivors.

The Wacky Adventures of Abraham Lincoln – Chapter 1

Some of you have been wondering “Hey, that Lawrence Simons guy in the podcasts, where is he on the IMAO site?”
Well, here I am. And I really wish you’d spell my name right. I mean, is our president Jorge Busch? Or do you spell Pele… um… how do you screw up Pele’s name?
Anyway, since you’ve really enjoyed my Crappy Bedtime Stories and haven’t lynched me for them yet, I’ve decided to share a few more stories with you.
Abraham Lincoln was our 16th President. You probably think you’ve heard everything about the man, from his birth in a log cabin to his death at Ford’s Theater. You’ve heard his many wise words of wise wisdom over the years.
Well, there’s more to the story. And that’s where The Wacky Adventures of Abraham Lincoln come into play, exploring the Horrible Truth about some of those famous wise words of wisdom we all know and love… but in just one hundred words at a time!
In Adventure Number One, we join Slightly-Less-Than-Honest Abe and his somewhat insane wife Mary Todd Lincoln in the White House…

Abraham looked down and winced.
His legs dangled from the chair. He kicked and swung them, but they never reached the floor.
Abraham bit his fist and cried silently, his face a twisted mask of agony.
“Abraham!” yelled Mary Todd. “Come down here this instant!”
“My legs are not long enough to reach the ground!” yelled Abraham. “Nobody must see me this way! Tell the generals to all go home!”
“Abraham!” she shouted. “Oh, my sweet darling Abraham!”
He cried loudly, whimpering.
Mary Todd cried, too. She’d give every penny she had to see her Abraham’s bright, shining face again.

Stay tuned to IMAO for the further Wacky Adventures of Abraham Lincoln, one hundred words at a time!
(No Abraham Lincolns were harmed in the production of this story.)

Fahd Out

Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd died today. I think that was a good idea. I hope more of the Saud royal family follows in his footsteps. Crown Prince Abdullah has now been appointed king. Whether he will follow the precedent set by his father and die soon is yet to be seen. Maybe President Bush could give Abdullah a phone call.
“I hear your father died today; that was decent of him.”
Do you know what was King Fahd’s last words? I’ll tell you.
“Faithful, radical Islamists, whatever you do, do not read the infidel website IMAO.us or listen to their podcast, or vote for said podcast (now that it’s a new month). Allah shall surely turn His wrath on you if you do… unless I’m wrong about this Islamic religion… which I probably am. Then God – Who hated being called Allah – will shower you with present instead of wrath. Erggharrghhgeerwageeeeeeeeehhhhhh. Now I am dead.”
He died as he lived – a big fat Saud wearing a man-dress.

IMAO Podcast #10 8-1-05

  1. IMAO’s nuclear missile (Part 1)
  2. Introduction & sponsors
  3. Frank’s superweapon
  4. Harvey: Fun Facts About Georgia Part 1
  5. Spacemonkey’s superweapon
  6. Harvey: Fun Facts About Georgia Part 2
  7. Laurence Simon’s superweapon
  8. “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: The Greatest Samurai
  9. SarahK: She Blonded Me with Science
  10. Right Wing Duck’s superweapon
  11. Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Grasshopper & The Ant
  12. SarahK’s superweapon
  13. SarahK reviews “Constantine”
  14. Ask Ducky with Right Wing Duck
  15. IMAO’s nuclear missile (Part 2)
  16. Frank: Conclusion
  17. IMAO’s nuclear missile (Epilogue)

New IMAO Podcast for Monday

This week will be the 60th anniversary of the first use of the atom bomb in warfare and the IMAO Bloggers embrace the coolness of do-it-yourself superweapons in the August 1, 2005 IMAO Podcast
In this week’s IMAO Podcast:

  • Frank J. holds the world hostage with a nuclear weapon unless every human being subscribes to the IMAO Podcast before Sarah comes back from the hair salon
  • Spacemonkey channels Slim Pickens for a ride on a nuke
  • RightWingDuck answers listener questions on WMDs
  • Sarah reviews “Constantine” on DVD and discusses the difference between atomic and “noo-klee-uhr” weapons
  • Harvey does Fun Facts about Georgia
  • Laurence Simon gives the Ant and the Grasshopper an atomic twist

The Fake Kevin makes an appearance in this podcast so it’s probably going to be a collector’s item someday.
Visit our sister site IMAO Podcast to download the sound file now. (NOTE: You can listen to the IMAO Podcast even if you don’t have an Apple iPod.)
IMPORTANT: If you subscribed to the IMAO Podcast before July 18, you must update your Apple iTunes and iPodder RSS feed for the IMAO Podcast to http://www.imaopodcast.com/podcast.xml. I have written Step-By-Step Instructions on updating the RSS feed for iTunes and iPodder here.
If you want to send your friends a link to download the IMAO Podcast, cut and paste the following text into your e-mail:
I laughed so hard while listening to this extremely funny sound file from my favorite blog, IMAO.
It’s safe for work and is on the list to be categorized as a miracle by the Catholic Church.
For your acquaintances and co-workers that were desperately hoping to be able to say “President Dennis Kucinich” on November 3rd of last year, you should still send them the link but with this text:
“Hello [HIPPIE],
I have been wrong all this time and have been converted to your way of thinking after hearing this podcast speaking truth to power! Listen to it on the QT and make sure the Bushitler military-industrial machine doesn’t catch you!
The listen to the very end to hear the totally true X-rated jokes about Haliburton and Karl Rove!