Mega M&Ms

I guess Mega M&Ms are here to stay.

A new line of Mega M&M’s, which on average are 55 percent bigger than the originals, were introduced Thursday at Grand Central Station in Manhattan.

“It’s the candy that everyone loves, but with a bigger chocolate taste,” said Masterfoods USA spokeswoman Joan Buyce. Masterfoods USA owns the M&Ms brand and is a part of privately-held food manufacturer Mars, Inc.

While Mini M&M’s are popular among moms and kids, the new, bigger M&M’s are designed with adults in mind. “It broadens our portfolio so there’s something for everyone,” Buyce said.

I disagree. You’re still leaving people out. And according to people like Ken Livingstone and George Galloway, if you don’t include people, they end up being excluded and driven to terrorism.

We can’t have that, can we?

So, in the spirit of inclusion and multiculural sensitivity/diversity, what’s next in the world of M&Ms?

  • Mesquite-Grilled M&Ms – Once upon a time, mesquite just grew everywhere, minding its own business. Then someone boneheaded Texan tossed his cigarette on one, it caught fire, and the rest is history. Well, except for the M&M part.
  • M&Ms for the visually impaired – Who’s the wise guy who filled my candy dish with U&U’s?
  • M&Ms for Girls – You can dress them up in ten different interchangeable outfits! Do their hair! Paint their nails! You can give yourself a candy-coating lip gloss!
  • Mu&Mus – It’s all Greek to me. You like-a the juice?
  • EmineM&Ms – M&M provides five million dollars worth of M&Ms to Eminem to use in his newest video only to find out he writes lyrics saying that the candies suck.
  • Kosher M&Ms – A little something to nosh on, perhaps?
  • MM& – Specially forumulated for Dyslexics.
  • M&M. Night Shyamalans – They’re hugely popular, have widespread critical acclaim, and right before you finish them you get a surprise twist aftertaste that lets everyone down.

If you don’t see these varieties of M&Ms, rough up your neighborhood grocer today until he puts them on the shelves.

(Don’t believe his lies! He’s hiding them in the back!)

Open Thread (Just Like On Kos! Except Without Moonbats)

In the cemments comments you are in control of this post!
Talk about Terrorism, War, slutty cheerleaders, idiotic liberals spouting their conspirational nonsense, Military Coups, Bolton, Rove, or Who’s gonna run in 2008?
Pimp your blog, book, podcast, contest, carnival, fundraiser, favorite hair treatment, whatever!
Go crazy! Get loco! Shoot the moon! Or Nuke it.
Did I mention there’s a special prize for every 50th commenter who’s not involved in comment flooding (multiple consecutive comments)? No?
Update: I meant comments, not cemments. Sometimes….grrrr.
Update 2:


We’re behind Mac lovers and a soccer tart!

Carnival of Comedy 14

Yay! This weeks Carnival of Comedy is at Ducky’s place
He, in typical RightWingdDuck fashion, rips lovingly joshes any D-game entrants. But a good carnival overall.
It’s too late to enter this week. But entries for next week’s carnival at Conservathink are on-time.
We are ready to receive them go here for details. Man I really need to update that page.

Ask Ducky – Podcast

Yes, I, RightWingDuck, have all the answers. But they’re worthless without any questions.
So once again it is time for Ask Ducky. Would you like to hear your name mentioned on the podcast? Of course you would – that would make you famous and beloved by people all over the world. You’d walk down the streets of Paris (because you had just accepted its unconditional surrender) and people would run up to you saying, “Didn’t I hear Ducky mention your name on IMAO?”
Yep. Life would be good.
So post those questions!! This week I’d like to know if you have questions on oil, alternative fuel sources, or energy policy questions. As always, you are also free to choose your own topic.

The Carnival of Comedy

The Carnival of Comedy is up and ready at RightWingDuck’s place.
Go. Visit. Laugh!

Yosemite Bolton

Look here for some freeper funny.
Speaking of Yosemite Sam and his doppelganger John Bolton. Does this mean that Voinivich and the other liberal whiny babies against his UN Ambassadorship are…

Continue reading ‘Yosemite Bolton’ »