Carnival Of Comedy Reminder

Don’t forget, the Carnival of Comedy is coming up Thursday, Aug 11th! YAY!!!
Damian G. will be hosting the carnival at Conservathink for Week 15 on Aug. 11. This is his first time hosting. Will he fly like an eagle or will he go down in flames? Will he find a photo of a badger, monkey and a cowbell in time? Tune in this Thursday to find out!
If you have a good, funny post or for that matter any other funny something, there’s still lots of time to get your attempt at funny on!
Carnival Schedule:
Week 16 – Aug. 18 – Point Five
Week 17 – Aug. 25 – The Conservative UAW Guy
Week 18 – Sep. 1 – ?? If you’re scared say you’re scared.
Week 19 – Sep. 8 – ?? OK, I’m just going to assign it somebody.
Week 20 – Sep. 15 – ?? Fine, I’m making Scrappleface do this one unless…
Want to host? Want to keep Scott Ott from hosting
Send your demands for ransom and transportation regarding hosting the Carnival of Comedy to flyingspacemonkey-at-gmail-dot-com. (substitute the appropriate nonsense, y’know the ‘at’ and the ‘dot’)
Still have questions?
Info about joining the Carnival of Comedy is here and you can read it as slow as you need to.

Joke Time!

Q. How many liberals does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Continue reading ‘Joke Time!’ »

Funny is in the Birth Defect of the Beholder

Frank beat me to this but…
Mithras a blogger, who is, and I mean this with the strictest inter-blogger professional courtesy, an ignorant moonbat nutjob of I’m sure, the most delightful sort, also possibly an extremely large radioactive moth [ed note, nope that was Mothra], asks Where Are All The Funny Conservative Bloggers?
Then he (she? no offense, dunno, don’t read him/her) lists a few:
* IMAO.US (good call),
* Scrappleface (I’ll link him, even though he gets plenty ‘o traffic already) and
* Lileks (ditto, I’ll link them in the off chance they link back)

Outside of them, it’s all self-righteousness and persecution complex, all the time. And outside of the three listed above, when a conservative blogger does employ humor, I find that usually it’s in retelling a joke they read somewhere else.

First of all thanks for including us on your extremely short list of funny conservative blogs. Really thanks, glad to know we don’t use words that are too big for some of y’all.
Mithras also wonders:

Is there just some birth defect that prevents right-wingers from being funny?

But instead of assuming we, conservative as a lot have some sort of birth defect that doesn’t allow us to make, as we in the funny business call ‘teh funny.’ perhaps you should take the long view. When liberals are in thier natual habitat at a protest, painted pink and green head to toe, running rampant, howling at the moon, at the OUTRAGEous things the conservatives are saying, THAT’s what we are laughing at. And we laugh our rear ends off at you. Figuratively.
Mithras also asserts

The key to successful humor, after all, is to be able to see things from other people’s perspectives – a liberal trait that conservatives deride variously as “relativism” or “objectively pro-terrorist”.

What about our perspectives? Can you see our worldview? Perhaps liberals should try to use that ‘see things from other, whatevers” ability and try looking at humor, which arguably is not a thing, from another POV namely ours. When conservatives make fun of liberals, conservatives laugh and laugh and laugh, while the liberals, best case, don’t get the joke, worst case, call the ACLU to set up legal proceedings for a civil rights abuse case.
I will look at humor from a liberal point of view.
When liberals make fun of conservatives, liberals laugh and laugh and laugh thinking “BUSH LIED!! PLASTIC TURKEY!!” blissfully ignorant of the fact they are in fact a bunch of unfunny, treasonous freaking sillysallys, while the conservatives are frankly too busy happily researching new and more efficient ways to destroy the environment for any such futile impotent flailings emanating from the left to make a blip on their radar.
See? It all becomes painfully clear when you simply broaden your mind and look through the eyes of your intellectual superiors. Us.

Where are all the funny conservative bloggers? Somewhere, laughing at you, just not with you.


Disclaimer: I know I didn’t list any conservative humor blogs, pointing them out to liberals would have been as futile as the list of lefty ‘humor’ blogs was to us. Also, I know, I use commas, too much. I’m getting help.,

Why Don’t I Find People Who Make Fun of My Worldview Funny?

You have to try hard to be this dense. Yet I keep seeing this meme (I still hate that word for reasons unknown) from so many liberals (you get a lot of this in Greg Gutfeld’s comments – “I don’t find you funny! Why aren’t conservatives funny?”).
If there are some liberals reading this wondering why they don’t find conservatives funny, let me explain this very simply: It’s not fun to be pointed and laughed at.
Why make this complicated? Take liberal and conservative out of the equation. When someone has a completely alien viewpoint to your own, you won’t find that person funny.
KEY HUMOR ASPECT NUMBER ONE: Humor involves shared, unsaid beliefs between who tells joke and who hears it.
If your shared belief is that Bush is Hitler, you will not laugh at the same jokes as people who believe Bush is not Hitler. Your viewpoints are just too askew to share a laugh. Mithras asserts that James Wolcott is funny. The few times I read that guy, I found him about as funny as a burning bus full of orphans (Heh; stupid orphans. That’ll teach them to not have parents – On second thought, a burning bus full of orphans is kinda funny; Wolcott should emulate that more). That doesn’t mean either of us is malfunctioning in the humor department. It just means that on certain issues we are too different to laugh with each other.
This seems so simple to me. Am I beating a dead horse here?
The only thing I’ve seemed to notice as a key difference between liberals making jokes about politics and conservatives making jokes about politics is that conservatives seem to be able to laugh at themselves more. I poke fun of my own beliefs all the time here. Yet, I’ve never seen a liberal making fun of the common liberal beliefs he or she holds dear – even with all the material that’s available! (Just think of Howard Dean alone!)
Then again, I don’t really seek out liberal humor on politics. Can someone point me to a self-deprecating (on the political level, that is) liberal?

In Search of a Message

Democrats have been in search of a message to take them back to power. Recently it was “Republicans are nothing but white Christians who never worked an honest day in their life.” followed by “We had a guy who almost won a seat in Ohio.” What’s their newest rallying cry?

Continue reading ‘In Search of a Message’ »

Instalanche Ho!

Hey, how come nobody told me Instapundit has guest bloggers this week? Don’t matter if I’m sick; I need to know that.
Now, there are three people posting to Instapundit who we have not libeled and do not hate IMAO. We should be able to get an Instalanche this week! It’s our birthright! Get to it IMAO bloggers!

In My World: John Roberts, Rebel Supreme Court Justice

“…and that’s how I became quite certain I wanted to be a judge.”
“That’s great, you soon to be Supreme Court Justice you,” Bush said while smiling as he ushered away John Roberts. When Roberts was gone, Bush ran to his press secretary. “I have a problem! My Supreme Court nominee is dead boring!”
“There certainly doesn’t seem to be much controversy to him,” Scott McClellan replied, looking a little confused. “I hear the New York Times is even trying to dig into his adoption records to try and find something to hit him with.”
“Did they find anything scandalous?” Bush asked hopefully.
“Dagnabbit!” Bush exclaimed, “He’s the most boring person ever! The Senate will never vote for anyone so boring!”
“Actually, it seems he’s a lock to be approved by the Sen…”
Scott was silenced by a backhand to the face. “Don’t you tell me how things are!” Bush yelled, “I’m the President and you’re the Press Secretary! I tell you how things are and you parrot it back to others! Got it?”
“Okay! Could you stop hitting me at least?”
“Maybe.” Bush answered. He then hit Scott. “Maybe not. Now help me find ways to make Roberts more interesting.”

“Do I really need these green highlights?” Roberts asked as he looked in the mirror.
“They go with the tattered leather jacket,” Bush answered.
Roberts frowned. “With all this mousse and what not you put in my hair to make it spiky, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get my part back in the appropriate place.”
“Only the old Roberts would worry about parting his hair,” Bush declared, “but Robbie doesn’t worry about things like that, ’cause he’s one bad mo’fo’. By the way, you’re now known as ‘Robbie.'”
“I don’t know if I can get used to that,” Roberts said, “and where is the helmet for the motorcycle you want me to ride?”
“Rebels don’t wear helmets,” Bush told him.
“This is going to set a bad example for my kids,” Roberts griped.
“About your kids,” Bush said, and then paused for a moment. “How do I put this delicately? Well… they suck. There’s nothing going on with them at all. If you plan on having a third kid, definitely go with a new adoption agency.”
“They’re that bad?”
“Pretty much, but I’ll see if I can do something with them.” Bush turned to Scott. “Scott, teach his kids to talk sass.”
“Define ‘sass.'”
Bush backhanded Scott. “That’s sass! Now make his kids interesting!”
Donald Rumsfeld then walked up to Bush. “I really have to talk to you about the War on Terror.”
“I don’t have time for terrorisms or Iraq or anything right now!” Bush exclaimed, “I’m trying to make my Supreme Court nominee look cool; I don’t have time for other things!” Bush wrote out a note. “Here, Rummy; you’re smart. Now you have full control of the military and don’t have to consult with me.”
“I even control the nukes?”
“Sure, whatever,” Bush said, turning back to Roberts as Rumsfeld walked away laughing evilly.
“So what am I doing with the motorcycle again?” Roberts asked.
“You’re jumping through a hoop of fire,” Bush answered, exasperated, “It doesn’t get any simpler than that.”
“That just seems so… dangerous.”
Bush groaned. “It’s like you don’t even care about the Constitution.”
“But I do.”
“Then you’re jumping through a hoop of fire, and you better get used to it!”

“AIEEEEEE!” Roberts screamed as he ran around on fire.
Bush and Laura were sitting in bed watching the nightly news roundup. Laura looked at Bush sternly, who then said, “It’s not as bad as it appears. Most of the burns are only second degree.”
“When asked for comment,” the anchorman stated, “John Roberts daughter said quote, ‘My daddy is all burnt up. What else do you need to know, idiot?'”
“That’s sounds like sass!” Laura exclaimed, “Did you teach his kids sass?”
“It was all Scott’s doing! I swear!”
The phone then rang. Bush turned off the T.V. and answered the phone while grumbling about how late it was. “Hello, this is the President of the United States… Hey, Rummy, what’s up? …It doesn’t matter if you still feel like nuking them; they gave you the 50 billion in gold… Yes, technically, the phrase, ‘You will give me 50 billion in gold bars by the end of the day or I will rain nuclear destruction on you!’ does not preclude you from raining nuclear destruction even if you get the gold, but most people assume that. If you nuke the Saudis now, they’ll never trust me anymore.” Bush hung up and then laid his head down to go to sleep. “Sometimes I think my administration is full of idiots.”

Who is the Biggest Liberal?

The Museum of Left Wing Lunacy is holding a poll to see which of the following is the biggest liberal. Contestants are:
Al Franken
Howard Dean
John Kerry
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Ted Kennedy
Nancy Pelosi
Joe Biden
Dick Durbin
Robert Byrd
Charles Schumer
John Edwards
Harry Reid
Tom Harkin
Pat Leahy
Daily Kos
Dennis Kucinich
Michael Moore
Al Sharpton
Ted Rall
Randi Rhodes
Wes Boyd
Joan Blades
Carl Levin
Al Gore
There are descriptions included, in case you don’t recognize some of the names – did YOU know Wes Boyd founded
So, after you vote for the IMAO podcast at Podcast Alley, you can go to the Museum and vote for Jane Fonda.
Yeah, I know she’s not on the list. I just hate her so much that I typed her name just so that I could spit while I was doing it.

Return from Return to Flight

Yay! Shuttle landed safely!
Now scrap. The thing is starting to sound like the Mir.
Anyhoo, I’m back, and, after I catch up on what’s been happening in the news, I’ll write something funny as I tend to do. Anything been particularly begging for it?

Every cloud has a silver lining . . .

After reading about Frank’s recent bouts of poor health and his precautionary CAT scan, it occurred to me that it may be time to start our very own IMAO contributor dead pool.
Here’s how it will work: pick 3 contributors that you think will die in the next year. You will get 1 point for each fatality. You will get .5 point for certified brain death. You must also list their cause of death for tie breaking purposes. The winner at the end of the year will receive a free IMAO t-shirt and a small vial of cremated remains.
The contributors are:
Cadet Happy