light posting this week . . .

i’m going to hop on my hog and do some research for my new book . . .

Cindy Sheehan blames the Jews

I’d just like to say on the record that at no time did I participate in any plot to have Casey Sheehan killed.
I was too busy controlling Hollywood, manipulating Congress, setting world oil prices, altering the weather with hidden satellites, spying on everyone’s public library reading habits, fixing World Cup matches, extracting blood from Muslim babies to bake bread, bringing down the Kremlin, and killing Jesus.
But, Cindy, I’m flattered you think I can multitask so effectively that I can fit just one more thing into my alread busy schedule.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to frame Spacemonkey and Frank for a numbers racket in Palm Beach.

Fun Facts About Hawaii: The Director’s Cut

The version on the IMAO podcast (#11) was cut here & there for time & quality reasons.
My unsullied and divinely inspired artistic vision appears in the extended entry…

Continue reading ‘Fun Facts About Hawaii: The Director’s Cut’ »

Monday’s IMAO Podcast Theme: Superheroes

My buddy from high school, Johnny, is a hotshot artist in New York City that is wrapping up his collaboration with Firefly creator Joss Whedon on the acclaimed Astonishing X-Men comic book series.
What does this have to do with the IMAO Podcast? The next IMAO Podcast will prominently feature… comic book superheroes.
I just couldn’t swing either of them for tell-all interviews. Johnny wa– I mean, JOHN, was in Chicago for a fan convention and couldn’t make it to the IMAO Podcast and Joss Whedon never heard of us (although Whedon’s probably heard of Frank just because lawyers are obligated to let their client know about Frank’s stalking; the difference between “fan” and “fanatic” is apparently a restraining order and 6 month’s probation).
If it’s any consolation to our faithful listeners, this Monday you’ll hear Frank J. interview Aquaman in his the first appearance on the IMAO Podcast along with other superhero-themed audio comedy.
That’s right, true believers! Check back on Monday for more!