Hail Cindy, Mother of Peace . . .

Thou shall not question the motives or truthfullnes of Cindy Sheehan.
Thou shall not discuss Cindy Sheehan’s anti-semitic rants.
Thou shall not discuss the fact that President Bush met with Cindy Sheehan soon after her son’s death and she had positive things to say regarding that meeting.
Thou shall not discuss the fact that Cindy Sheehan’s account of her meeting with the President has changed to fit the needs of her propagandist publicity campaign.
Thou shall not discuss the family members who are disgusted with Cindy Sheehan’s actions.
Thou shall not discuss the fact that Cindy Sheehan’s son supported the war in Iraq and believed in what he was doing there.
Thou shall not discuss the private interest groups funding Cindy Sheehan’s publicity stunt.
Thou shall not discuss Cindy Sheehan’s call to bring all troops home and essentially surrender to the terrorists.
Thou shall not discuss why the leader of the free world should meet with a publicity hungry media hound.
Thou shall not discuss the hundreds of parents of killed soldiers who support President Bush and the mission in Iraq.
NOTE–This post is not intended to mock a grieving mother or to minimize the sacrifice of her son. It is to point out the ridiculously reverent tone that the MSM has taken in covering the Sheehan publicity stunt, and to shed light on what should be pretty obvious questions regarding her motives and veracity.

A Story, Bit-by-Bit
Superego: Part 11 – Heroic

Patching my leg was a simple enough procedure. They had it held still in a regenerator, and I just had to wait an hour or so. After that, I’d be back to my full-self and ready for a killing (after getting back to my hotel room to rearm). I had a TV in the hospital room, so I flipped around the channels.
“The delping waits in the river, its gray coloration blending itself with the rocks. When prey comes into view, it strikes by kicking forward with its strong rear legs and expelling all the air in its lungs out of two reverse facing nostrils on the sides of its heads. Using this jet propulsion, with blinding speed it snatches the…”
“Rico, how are you doing?”
It was Dip talking into the hidden communicator in my ear.
“Why do you ask?”
“I saw in the news that there was violence near where you should be. Then I saw that further violence ended the initial violence. I conjectured you were involved with one of those violences based on my knowledge base about your behavior.”
“Really? Which one would you think was me?”
“Usually violence you do is reflected negatively in the press, but the disliked violence involves multiple sentients, and you have always worked alone since I’ve known you. On the other hand, the second act of violence seems to be thought of favorably, and I’ve never known what you do to be thought of favorably by the general public, Rico.”
“I’ve killed a few people the general public were happy to be gone.”
“Still, it has always been looked at as criminal. This act of violence is referred to as ‘heroic.'”
“I killed five murderers – preventing the death of others – and took a bullet through my leg in the process. Would you call that ‘heroic,’ Dip?”
That took him a second.
“I would assume you had ulterior motives, Rico.”
That made me laugh. “Dip, I have another job for you. I want you to connect to any databases you can on this planet and find information on a Nar Valdum City’s Detective named Diane Thompson.”
“Certainly, Rico. I have progress on the previous job you assigned. I have a plan to extract you from Nar Valdum’s capital which I rate as having a 20% chance of success.”
“That a nice round number.”
“There are many unknowns I had to assign some value to, so I went with inexact figures.”
“Whatever. I need a better number that 20%.”
Dip was silent again. “When calculating the chance of success, I could give a greater weight to the ship’s maneuverability which would…”
“I don’t mean fudge the numbers, Dip; I mean come up with a better plan.”
“I will try, Rico. By the way, you never answered my initial question: How are you doing?”
I never answers his questions, something I’m sure Dip was wise to. “How do you think I’m doing?”
“You seem fine.”
“Get to work. Dip.”
I looked back to the TV. The mating habits of the delping was being discussed now. I don’t usually find that part as informative, but I didn’t have a chance to watch it either as I now had a visitor.

Putting the stroke back into the stroke of midnight

Hollywood is abuzz with the news that Dick Clark will be back hosting his New Year’s Eve Show with a little help from Ryan Seacrest this year:

The longtime host of “American Bandstand” hasn’t appeared on television or done interviews since his stroke. Last year, daytime talk-show host
Regis Philbin stood in while Clark watched from his hospital bed.
“He just wants to fine-tune it before he sticks his head out — makes his return to television,” said [Dick Clark’s Paul publicist] Shefrin, who has refused to discuss the impact of what he would only describe as a minor stroke.
Clark said in a statement, “It will be good to be back in New York again for New Year’s and I’m elated that Ryan has agreed to join me in ushering in New Year’s.”
Seacrest, host of “American Idol,” has agreed to a multiyear deal to executive produce and join Clark as co-host of the ABC special. Seacrest will eventually take over as host.
“Dick Clark is an American icon. I am honored that he has entrusted me with such a role in this national tradition,” Seacrest said in a statement.

And here I was, thinking that Regis would take over in a Crown Price Abdullah / King Fahd kind of arrangement…
“There is no Dick Clark but Dick Clark,” shouted Crown Prince Regis Philbin from the dais. “Dick Clarkahu Ackbar! Bow down to the House of Al-Mouse!”
“Gurgle!” drools Dick Clark. “Gurgle!”
“Dick Al-Clark bestows his blessings upon you all!”

And then there was the possibility of “Peter Jennings’ Smokin New Years Eve” until his own untimely demise this year from… um…
Here at IMAO, we’re already working hard on our own New Years Eve Special:

  • Frank J. drops Spacemonkey from a high place, Spacemonkey says “Be this the end of 2005?”
  • Ninjas! Ninjas! Ninjas! (wait… is that one Harvey?)
  • Right Wing Duck finally recovers from his kidney stones!
  • Sarah shoots terrorists trying to plot end-of-the-year attacks!
  • I keep complaining that it’s really 5766, arguing with the caterers!
  • Cadethappy beats up Aquaman!

So stay tuned… unless you want to watch some old feeb and his boy-toy yuk it up on a seven-second delay.
(DISCLAIMER: None of this will actually happen, void where prohinited by Islamic Law.)

In My World: Sheehan-igans

“Man,” President Bush groaned as he looked out the window, “I try to come here to the rustic charm of my Crawford ranch so I can play X-Box all day, but instead I keep getting bothered by protestors. What do they want now? Free booze?”
“It’s Cindy Sheehan and a bunch of liberals,” Laura Bush answered, “She’s demanding to meet with you… again.”
“What!” Bush yelled, “I’m the President of the United States of America! No one demands to meet with me. Why, if Chirac did that, I’d punch him right in ugly, smelly French face!”
“Well don’t punch Mrs. Sheehan,” Laura told him, “She’s a grieving mother.”
“She is?” Bush said, now feeling bad, “Well, I guess I can talk with her then.”
“Maybe you should discuss that with your staff first,” Laura suggested.
“Bah! If the American people elected me president – twice – it can only be assumed I’m the smartest man on the planet. Send me Sheehan!”

“Horrible news!” Cindy Sheehan cried to her liberal entourage, “Bush has agreed to meet with me again! He wasn’t supposed to do that! What if it diffuses this whole thing! I wanted to keep standing out here and harping on him in front of the press for as long as possible! And it’s not like I can refuse to meet him now; this is a disaster!”
Michael Moore turned away from the hotdog stand to face Sheehan. “You can always say you were insulted again by him and demand a third meeting– Oh! And I have an idea! Would it be okay with you if we dug up your son’s corpse and waved it around in front of Bush?”
Sheehan thought for a moment. “Do you think it’s what Casey would have wanted?”

“So, Agent Smith, you think we’re okay for the meeting?” Bush asked the Secret Service Agent.
“Do you want me to tackle and pummel her if she slaps you?”
“You think she’ll slap me?” Bush asked, surprised.
“It’s possible.”
Bush thought on that for a moment. “I’m a man; I can take a slap. No tackling or pummeling. We have press here and they’ll have a field-day with that.” He was silent for a few seconds, but then blurted out, “But, if she tries to stab or shoot me, maybe you should do something about that.”
“Eh,” Agent Smith answered, “I’ll play it by ear.”
Cindy Sheehan entered the room, and immediately Bush’s face brightened up. “Hey! I remember you! We met before!”
“We did!” Sheehan screamed, “You were ru…”
“So, did what I tell you about getting rid of the ants work?” Bush asked, smiling.
“Well… yeah,” Sheehan answered, a little thrown off, “but that’s not the point…”
“I told you it would work, but you were skeptical.” Bush chuckled. “So how is your husband?”
“He is very supportive of what I’m doing,” Cindy asserted.
“That great!” Bush said enthusiastically, “How is the rest of the family?”
“I’m not talking to a lot of them since they voted for you in 2004!” she yelled angrily.
Bush smiled wider. “Wow, that’s great to hear. Next time you see them, tell them I thank them for their support. I love my supporters.”
Sheehan screamed. “Don’t you understand that I hate you?!”
Bush was confused. “What? Why?”
“You murdered my son!”
Bush backed away from her. “You don’t have any proof of that!” he shouted defensively, “Let’s see ballistics match that bullet to any of my guns!”
“I mean he was in the Army and killed in Iraq,” Sheehan said.
Bush started laughing. “Oh, now I get it. This was all just a mistake. This whole time you were blaming me for your son’s death when he was actually killed by Shiites.” Bush turned more serious. “If you want, I can get you a flight to Iraq so you can go yell at them.”
“No!” Cindy shouted, “You murdered him by starting an unjust war based on lies!”
“I didn’t lie!” Bush yelled, “There really are an Iraq and a Saddam Hussein! You can look it up!”
“No! I mean about WMDs! We know all about it from the Downing Street Memos!”
“What in the world are you talking about?” Bush asked, getting confused again.
“You and your Vice-President should be impeached! You stole you first election anyway! Now you and your neocons are making wars based on lies! You’re the biggest terrorist… you and the Israelis, that is!”
Bush rolled his eyes. “Now you’re bringing the Jews into this. You’re just a regular left-wing nut, aren’t you? No wonder you son joined the Army and went to Iraq; he was probably trying to get away from you!”
Cindy Sheehan started sobbing uncontrollably and ran out of the room. Bush then noticed the T.V. cameras. He turned to Agent Smith. “This isn’t going to play well on the nightly-news, is it?”
“I only watch cable news, sir.”
“Well, maybe another broad will disappear in Aruba and this story will get buried.”
Agent Smith stared at President Bush for a moment. “You really are an insensitive bastard sometimes.”
“Whatever; let’s go play X-Box.”

Apologies to Casey Sheehan for making fun of your mother who I’m sure you love very much. You made a brave choice to put your life on the line when you re-enlisted at age 24, shortly before your death. It’s because of people like you that we’re able to have our blogs and our freedoms, and, while I can never repay you for your sacrifice, I will do my best to honor it throughout my life as a proud American.

Happy Monday!

Nothing better than Monday morning with a new podcast.
Anyway, I need to finish up an In My World™ for today, and, for it, I need a good link to actual Cindy Sheehan quotes (I don’t want people to accuse me of making fun of her, so I want to use actual quotes for her). If you could put it in the comments, I’d be much obliged.
BTW, I thought I sent everyone who paid for them the Two Bits so far, but, if you haven’t gotten them yet, tell me and I’ll try to see what went wrong (not like it costs me to resend them).

IMAO Podcast #12 8-15-05

  1. Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 1)
  2. Introduction & sponsors
  3. Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 2)
  4. “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Aquaman
  5. Harvey: Fun Facts about Idaho Part 1
  6. Spacemonkey: My Superpower
  7. Harvey: Fun Facts about Idaho Part 2
  8. Right Wing Duck: My Superpower
  9. “Ask Ducky” with guest host Spacemonkey
  10. Laurence Simon: My Superpower
  11. SarahK: She Blonded Me With Science
  12. Harvey: My Superpower
  13. Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Tortoise and the Hare
  14. Frank J: My Superpower
  15. Buck the Marine: Batman
  16. Spacemonkey: American Monkey
  17. SarahK: My Superpower
  18. Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 3)
  19. SarahK reviews Toby Keith’s Big Throwdown Tour #2
  20. Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 4)
  21. Frank: Conclusion

Note: Due to an error in editing down my Fun Facts material, former producer Scott cut out the line that I used as a callback during my epilogue. Here it is for reference:

“Idaho law forbids children from deliberately stepping on ants. The kids don’t mind too much, however, since pistol-whipping them is still legal.”

NEW! Superhero-themed IMAO Podcast!

Start the week off with super-duper funny: our superhero-themed IMAO Podcast!
IMAO Podcast for August 15, 2005 features:

  • The Adventures of lefty superhero squad, the People Intending to Negate Corporate Oppression or The PINCOs (sounds like “pinkos”)
  • Spacemonkey finds his superpower is morphing into segments normally performed by Laurence and Right Wing Duck
  • Sarah reviews the Toby Keith concert in Orlando
  • Harvey’s Fun Facts about Idaho (sans easy-target jokes about The B-52’s or Gus Van Sant)

This IMAO Podcast is guaranteed to make you laugh and offend you at the same time, so don’t be shy… share the funny using this download link with your friends and family:
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Thanks for listening and we are doing these podcasts because we know IMAO fans are the best fans on the Web!