It’s alive!

Japanese company Artificial Life recently announced that it was releasing version 2.0 of V-Girl. A massive hit in Asian countries, V-Girl involves a synthetic girlfriend with routines the player watches and becomes involved in. There is an ever-evolving daily and weekly schedule which includes visiting your V-Girl’s virtual home, work or bar, and shopping with her virtual girlfriends.
That gave me a brilliant idea–why not apply this concept to our very own SarahK! With SarahK coming off the market in December, this is the only way that her mountaineermusing and IMAO fans can partake of the authentic “SarahK experience.” The IMAO crew has been working day and night to write the code for V-SarahK, and we are finally ready with our beta release. So, get ready to walk a mile in FrankJ’s shoes, for I give you . . .

V-SarahK, v. 1.0 BETA

One for the History books… until they’re burned by command of our Caliphate masters

By the way…
AP: Israeli Riot Police Storm Gaza Synagogue

At Neve Dekalim, troops wrestled for hours against some 1,500 extremists making their last stand inside Gaza’s largest synagogue. Protesters lay on the floor with their arms linked, kicking against the Israeli forces while supporters held their shoulders in a tug-of-war.

The phrases “Gaza synagogue” and “Gaza’s largest synagogue” are phrases you’ll most likely never hear again after this month.

A bump in the Roadmap

A bus overturned in Tel Aviv after hitting a traffic island, hurting 30 children.

Thirty children sustained light injuries when a bus overturned at the Morasha Juncion, outside Tel Aviv, on Thursday afternoon.
The bus toppled over after hitting a traffic island.
Magen David Adom rescue forces arrived at the scene of the accident to evacuate the children to hospital.

According to Palestinian Authority Television, the martyred traffic island will be honored with parades in Jenin and Ramallah tomorrow morning, and its spirit is currently enjoying an eternity in Paradise with seventy-two buckets of wet cement.

Office Dares

Got this in a forwarded e-mail, and thought it was funny enough to share (though I can only assume about everyone has seen it already):

Continue reading ‘Office Dares’ »

Today’s Haiku

Jews out of Gaza.
Gray monkeys dance with Cindy.
I’d like some nachos.

Carnival Of Comedy: Sweet 16 at .5

Missing your monkey/badger/cowbell fix for the week? Sweet tooth bothering you? Need a good hearty laugh?
Then you need to RUN, not walk nor trot nor trapse nor saunter, RUN, well technically, CLICK to see the new Carnival of Comedy baked up fresh over at the Point Five Blog.
Evil Emperor Mindstation shows that hosting the Carnival of Comedy isn’t hard. It’s a piece of cake.

Holy Insane Environmentalists, Batman!

Just when you thought crazy people couldn’t more crazy, they come out with even more crazy ideas.
It’s crazy!
To save species like the elephants and lions, some scientists want to transplant them here, to North America.
Yeah, that’s right; let them roam wild.
Now, as amusing as it may be to watch from my window golfers fleeing from a charging elephant, what if the elephant comes crashing through my wall? Does my insurance cover that?
And I already have alligators and sharks to deal with in Florida; are people really going to add lions to the mix? I mean, when my kitten, Sydney, bites me, that hurts enough. A lions gotta be even ten times more painful!
And you know what happens when new species are introduced to a foreign ecosystem: the animals often over breeds from a lack of natural predators. Is the alligator going to take down an elephant? The common fox? Even the few packs of wolves we have left wouldn’t dare touch one. We’ll be overrun with elephants until they’re worse than pigeons. And, I do not have a carry gun that could take down an angry elephant.
Sorry, but we American are just to used to animals like squirrels and deer – cute fuzzy animals who can’t hurt us but we occasionally run over. Adding a beast to the mix that can run us over is just a little too interesting.

News Straight from the Fish’s Mouth

Bringing you the news!Hello, Aquafans.
Being underwater most of the time (I can breathe underwater), I don’t get the same news coverage. Luckily, I can talk to fish. Thus, through them, I keep informed. To help out, here’s the current news in brief:
* In London, if your skin is dark, they will shoot you multiple times in the head. I recommend vacationing elsewhere if you have a heavy tan.
* President Bush is having his annual vacation with crawfish – I never knew he was a friend of water-breathers! Also, I keep hearing there is some sort of circus near where he is staying. What a fun vacation!
* Israel has turned anti-Semitic and are now evicting Jews! They have they’re work cut out for them, though, because I hear the place is full of them.
* Apparently, before the 9/11 attacks, Mohammed Atta and a supervillian named Abe Danger were identified as terrorists, but lawyers prevented the information from being passed along. Luckily, we don’t have lawyers here in the sea. The closest thing we have are sharks! Ha ha ha!
That’s all the news for now, and I’ve finished drinking my latte at this internet cafe.
Remember, I talk to fish so you don’t have to.
This is Aquaman, signing off.


Whoops. The Puppy Blender linked to the new Carnival of Podcasts before I did. Now what would have been a big traffic burst from IMAO is just a few drops in the sea.
We really need another name than podcasts, BTW. They’re just plain MP3s, but, because of the name, everyone has it in their head they’re something much more complicated (that’s what I thought when Scott McCollum first suggested doing a podcast).
Next week is our back to school podcast, and it’s already shaping up to be a great one.
Oh, and here are some samples from the superhero themed podcast if you haven’t heard the whole thing yet:
My interview with Aquaman.
Laurence Simon tells the story of the tortise and the hare.