Weekend time waster . . .

Ever wonder why IMAO became a group blog? Me neither. But I recently stumbled over this old mountaineermusing post that describes the events preceding this tragic event.

The Life and Times of Instapundit

(A Filthy Lie)
I heard a rumor that Glenn Reynolds was writing his biography.
Apparently I was slightly misinformed.
Instead of cranking out some 957-page pile of blathering crap, he managed to condense his life into a single song.
And thanks to a little bit of covert hackery, I’ve managed to obtain a copy of his little ditty WEEKS before it hits iTunes.
(with apologies to the Rolling Stones)
(see extended entry)

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The Face Of Grief

Warning: below the fold are images of extreme grief of an emotional nature.

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Achtung Subscribers

Anyone subscribed to the IMAO Podcast, make sure you are pointing to the URL hosted on IMAOPodcast.com – http://www.imaopodcast.com/podcast.xml
The other one which was hosted here on IMAO.us will no longer be updated. So make sure to get your subscription right so you can get the new podcast when it appears Monday morning.

It’s a Gas Gas Gas.

With the price of gasolne higher than your average liberal’s opinion of himself, I have deemed today as good a time as any to drag out and rewrite an old relevant post. I (re)present the:
Top Ten (revised) things that can help stretch your gasoline budget.
10) Learn astral projection. It’s just like being there with out all the actually being there.
9) Take a lesson from NASCAR and draft as much as possible. (No, Rep. Rangel, not that draft)
8) Be uphill from everywhere you want to go. So you can just coast.
7) Three things: Siphon hose, gas can, and cover of night. You do the math.
7b) Recommended 4th thing – breath mints.
6) Apply for and get job as Ted Kennedy’s (designated) driver, run errands while he’s passed out.
5) Always drive the speed limit. Speeding not only burns more gas, it can seriously get your Commie Italian rear end shot at/up.
4) Instead of the fine gasoline you normally use, fill up with dark, rich, sparkling Folger’s crystals and see if your car can tell the difference.
3) Get from place to place using roller blades and a water ski tow rope. Have your geeky brother tow you into town behind his minibike.
2) Get the eco-friendly utopia converter kit that the hippies use so your car will run on moonbeams, butterfly kisses, and B. O. (that’s right, now you know)
And the number one thing that can help stretch your gasoline budget….

Continue reading ‘It’s a Gas Gas Gas.’ »

recommended reading . . .

the wonderful ann coulter knocks it out of the park on cindy sheehan — definitely worth a read

Air America and the NYT

I was reading Captain’s Quarters Blog where the Captain has a great post on the NY Times and their excuses for not covering the Air America scandal. With all due respect, Captain Ed isn’t as good at that “research” stuff as I am, so I did some true IMAO news investigating and discovered–
The Top Reasons the New York Times has not Covered the Air America Scandal.
10. They were planning on running it as a correction on page 26.
9. Big deal. The kids at the Boys and Girls Club would have spent the money on drugs anyway.
8. The story was pushed by right wing blogs. Couldn’t figure out if coverage should come from the department reporters at Tech or at Religion.
7. NYT reporters got carried away singing songs at Camp Casey.
6. Sincerely believed that Air America was that shoe by Michael Jordan.
5. Staff too busy figuring out that darn crossword puzzle.
4. Staffing is light due to gay honeymoons.
3. Needed to make sure the story was valid – was waiting for it to be covered by Air America.
2. No information to dig up: attended AA meeting after AA meeting after–
and the number one reason the New York Times hasn’t written about the Air America Scandal…
1. Couldn’t find a way to work in the words “illegal war” or “quagmire”

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO.
Live, via webcam, Frisky poses:

If you’re not sure how this tranquil scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Frisky is sitting on the roof of a synagogue in the Gaza town of Neve Dekalim and repared to attack any evacuation policeman or soldier with his teeth, claws, or flaming cat-toys to defend his homeland.
Plus, he’s orange.
(For more animal goodness, try The Friday Ark)