Every time

Just in case you’re keeping score:
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
Every time you blame a fart on the dog, a devil gets his horns.
Every time a car horn honks, a vampire gets his fangs.
Every time a refinery explodes, a ghost gets his chains.
Every time Michael Moore eats, a mummy gets his bandages.

Feel free to add your own in the comments.

Delays, delays

What kind of space program do we have when the launch schedule is on permanent standby, but the darned thing still manages to get delayed due to inclement weather?
It’s high time that we had our own space program here at IMAO.
If only we had a money we could test the rockets on. You know, a monkey we could shoot into space. A kind of “space monkey” as it were.
I guess Frank’s cat Sydney will have to do. Cats love space.