Am I the Only One Who Didn’t Know This?

This past year, I started watching Arrested Development with SarahK and found it to be the best sitcom on network TV (it almost demeans it to call it a sitcom). I found you really have to watch it in order, as it has little jokes that only make sense if you’ve seen the previous episodes.
Anyway, I had only seen the second season, and we just started watching it on DVD. When you put the first DVD in, there’s an intro from Ron Howard where he admits he’s the ever present narrator for the series (I always wondered who it was).
BTW, they don’t bleep out the swearing on the DVD (or, at least not for the extended pilot; we’re about to watch the second episode now).

Did They Live?

Whoops. Forgot to post this yesterday. Hope I didn’t leave everyone in suspense.
The answer to did SarahK and Frank J. survive the hurricane is…

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