Cindy Sheehan is a stupid moron.

There, I said it. No more of this “let’s keep in mind her son’s sacrifice”, “let’s keep in mind her right to protest”, “let’s keep in mind that she is being taken advantage by special interest groups”. Sheehan’s recent indications that she plans to take her loon-fest on the road and set up permanent residence in Washington D.C. officially ends her grace period. She needs to be treated exactly like Michael Moore, Howard Dean, Ted Kennedy, and the rest of the left-wing loonies. In other words, we must aggressively expose her flawed logic and whacked-out ideas to combat the MSMs insatiable appetite for soundbytes (the less credible the better) that criticize the Bush administration and its policies in Iraq.
Cindy Sheehan is a complete whack-job, and not a very intelligent one at that, as anyone who has heard her interviews or read her blog posts can attest. Am I engaging in name-calling? You bet, but one need only go to her latest blog post to find evidence for that characterization. I suggest you go read it at, because the MSM certainly isn’t going to report on it. In her post, entitled “It Was the Oil Stupid”, she criticizes President Bush for having the nerve to want to prevent terrorists from setting up training bases in Iraq and seizing oil to fund their activities. Far worse, however, she gloms on to the hurricane Katrina tragedy to make political hay. Incredibly, she attributes the damage caused by Katrina to President Bush’s environmental policies and blames Halliburton from depriving the treasury of funds to repair its aftereffects. New Orleans is under water, the Gulf coast is devastated, they haven’t even plucked all the bodies out of the water yet, and this idiot tries to insert herself into the tragedy to score points with her left-wing followers? Enough is enough. Cindy is free to put on a little tu tu and dance on her son’s grave all she wants, but I’m tired of hearing about it and the ridiculous notion that this moonbat has anything intelligent to add to the Iraq discussion.


  1. Similarly whacked-out and open to critcism is Robert Kennedy, Jr., yet another Kennedy clan member who believes that we must listen to him with bated breath because his dad and uncle where shot down 40 years ago. In his recent rant, entitled “For They That Sow the Wind Shall Reap the Whirlwind”, he suggests that “global warming” and rejection of Kyoto (which, correct me if I am wrong, happened under Clinton’s watch) is to blame.

  2. OK, she’s not bright. More to the point is to look at the people hiding behind her. They’re quite bright, and know how to exploit an opportunity (and an admittedly not-so-bright woman) when they see it/one.
    Better hurry though. Many of them have, um, Moved-On, to the next opportunity. But seriously, these people know what they’re doing. Barely a mention of the people behind the scenes as they thrust Sheehan into the media glare, get what they want, then dump her for the next scorched-earth opportunity.

  3. Anyone who makes political hay out of a tragedy (e.g., death of son, death from hurricane) has seriously evil fluid flowing through their veins. What is odd to me is that acting this way is not only tolerated but lauded. Sick!

  4. What else can you say about all this but, “That’s what Liberal Democrats do” ?
    There is no such thing as scruples or ethics with almost any leftist. The ends justify any and every mean necessary to achieve their agenda, no matter who might suffer.

  5. I predict her ridiculous antics will die a quick death as soon as congress reconvenes and the idiots in the news have something else to report on. Some of its already dying down with the terrible huricane stories and gas prices/shortages.

  6. I’m with you 100%. She is not the sharpest tool in the shed but that is no excuse for her hateful, anti-American statements.
    The good news is she will soon be abandoned by her leftist supporters as their polling says she isn’t helping them. Then she will return home, having alienated most of her friends and family, she will live a lonely bitter existence for the rest of her life.
    Just imagine people shaking their fist at you and calling you names every time you go grocery shopping. She deserves it all.
    Of course we have some wonderful sound bites from lberal Democrats supporting her. They will be used in campaign commercials. Even those Democrats who say nothing can be accused of complicity for not condemning her. She can be held up as what is wrong with America through 2008.

  7. we must aggressively expose her flawed logic and whacked-out ideas to combat the MSMs insatiable appetite for soundbytes
    Wouldn’t it be easier just to drop a daisy-cutter on her and her camp?

  8. I agree completly. My only concern is how do we put this to an end without infringing on our constitutional rights. Every one should have the right to speak their mind but it should not be allowed to progress to the state that this has escalated to

  9. I was unaware that she had started acting like a total whack-job and putting in her 2 cents on the aftermath of Katrina. What is she going to tell us next? That the war caused the hurricane??? I spent my day cleaning and setting up the Armed Forces Retirement Home for the military retirees coming out of Gulfport, as the home there has been wasted and even after spending every waking moment working and/or praying while crying ( hurts worse when it hits home and you can’t do anything about it), I’m left with a terrible urge to do something to her…something bad.
    As for the damage to New Orleans, the levees have a fair amount of the blame to share for that. They prevent the city from flooding, but once the water gets in…they keep it from leaving pretty well too. And I’m fairly certain (read – $#&%ing positive) that they were built long before any Bush was even near the White House.

  10. “we must aggressively expose her flawed logic and whacked-out ideas to combat the MSMs insatiable appetite for soundbytes”
    Myself and many like me have been going at it hammer and tongs with her followers at Sweetness & Light. It’s been on for awhile 😉
    “My only concern is how do we put this to an end without infringing on our constitutional rights. Every one should have the right to speak their mind but it should not be allowed to progress to the state that this has escalated to”
    The constitution means that the government can’t shut her down.
    It dosen’t mean we can’t point out how dumb her logic is, or that the guy renting her the ditch can’t say, “Enough is enough. Out of my ditch, you.”
    Her right to free speech dosen’t encroach upon mine, nor does it encroach upon the property rights of the man in whose ditch she is sitting.
    Otherwise I could sue you for not publishing my words in a book if I demanded it.
    Free speech only restricts the government, not ordinary citizens.

  11. Im sure this has been said before, but i grieve fro the loss of her son, for about a week, then i move on and the deal is done, but her rape of the system and demanding things that really shouldn’t be done is what really ticks me off, she is using this forher own gain and to get herself into the spotlight,
    “They’d(terrorists) seize oil fields to fund their ambitions. They could recruit more terrorists by claiming an historic victory over the United States and our coalition”
    “So it is official, Casey had his blood shed in Iraq for Oil. ”
    now tell me thats not rape of context, sombody please, shut her up.

  12. Cindy Sheehan is a f***ing waste of human life and a media whore. I’d be moved by her if her son hadn’t volunteered himself (remember, Kerry would have drafted people, NOT Bush), and if her brain functioned beyond that of a star fish. This pile of human waste has no f***ing reasoning capabilities. She thinks 9/11 is the only reason any american should ever have for fighting another nation. If Iraq doesn’t have to do with 9/11, then there couldn’t POSSIBLY be any other reason to invade. If Bush senior attempted to topple Saddam Hussein and failed, then the ONLY reason W. Bush could ever have for invading Iraq is to “finish his daddy’s job,” because, as everyone knows, Bush senior and Bush jr. are the ONLY two people who have EVER wanted to see Saddam Hussein dead. If there’s oil in Iraq, then it MUST be the case that that’s what we’re after. Frankly, I can’t trust a person who assumes these things about another person or nation. People tend to think others are just as mallicious as they are or would be, given the opportunity. Luckily, she tends to protest outside, though. There’s not so much space to waste indoors.

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