Less Moore

Michael Moore has checked into a fat farm, and many seem to think I should make some remark on this since I wrote the best Michael Moore hate mail ever. So here I go…

This is a very good thing. It is well known that Michael Moore is fat (very unhealthy), and it is nice to see him own up to it and do something about it. Perhaps, he’ll own up to more things such as that he’s a lying lefty wacko and go to a lying lefty wacko farm to get rid of his lying lefty wacko ideals through study of Ronald Reagan and electro shocks and stick beatings. Perhaps Michael Moore will become a lean, mean conservative machine and become the greatest fear of the left!
Anyway, three to one odds he’ll be even fatter a year from now.


  1. The always awesome Michael Medved had a hippie woman on yesterday who talked about “safe weight loss” at one point and Medved brought up the fact that Moore (a self-proclaimed man of the people) was spending $3,800 a week to shed only 12lbs in the first 21 days.
    “I think losing 4 pounds a week is a good weight loss goal” the hippie woman said.
    Without missing a beat, Medved asked: “Even if you’re Michael Moore?”

  2. In case anyone didn’t go back to the original letter, I would like to point out that:
    … I wouldn’t let him go, because the only thing I would want would be to give that stupid pinko leprechaun a beating. To be clear, I wouldn’t beat him as much as a regular size hippy, because that would be like a huge beating to him because of his small size, which isn’t his fault. But I assure you it would be a sound beating, and, when he went back to his leprechaun home, he’d tell the other leprechauns, “Aye, what a sound beating I received; quite proportionate to my size.”
    is the funniest thing Frank J. has written. By far.

  3. Moore could end up like Oprah. You know, lose 12 pounds, gain 12 pounds, lose 12 pounds, etc. And I’m no fitness trainer, but spending 3,800 bucks to lose a mere 7 pounds a week sounds like a rip off to me. That might be ok for your average joe, but this is Michael freakin’ Moore! The average guy doesn’t spend 3,800 a week. Sounds to me like most of the money is spent on new-age mumbo-jumbo that does everything but help you lose weight. But no problem. After leaving celebrity fat camp, Moore’s karma will be aligned, or whatever.

  4. “Anyway, three to one odds he’ll be even fatter a year from now.”
    I’m going to Las Vegas the first week in September. I’ll check the sports book and let you know if they’re giving the same odds.

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