Maybe They’ll Think THIS is Funny

A while back I was criticized by some leftists for not being funny, so I decided to see if I could learn their ways so that I could, perhaps, better appeal to their peculiar sense of humor.
So… what do leftists find funny?
Well, after I Google Image searched for pictures of Bush, I found…
Let me rephrase that… after I Google Image searched with “safe search” enabled, I found out that leftists are highly amused by crudely defaced pictures:
(click to enlarge)

Ok, then I think they should get a pretty good laugh out of this Cindy Sheehan picture:
(click to enlarge)

So, if I soak it in urine, do you think I could get a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts?


  1. So, if I soak it in urine, do you think I could get a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts?
    Not under the current management. You’ll notice that there hasn’t been any of that since Dana Gioia took over as its head.

  2. The way lefties like to throw the “Nazi” label around, one would think that they could at least have the swastika pointing in the correct direction for their propaganda.
    The problem with your picture is that you did not make the Mutha-Sheehan/Satan connection clearly enough. I get more of a pirate/witch/goat vibe. Maybe a “666” between the horns….

  3. “Am I the only one who sees a resemblance between Sheehan and John Kerry? Look again.”
    lol….maybe it’s one of those “separated at birth” situations. Unfortunately, they both seem to have the same political gene…
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

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