Ramblings as I Drink My First Cup of Coffee Today

Hey, sportsfans. Haven’t paid much attention to the news or done any internet surfing since Thursday, so let me catch up on things. Seems the other bloggers did a good job of bringing in the traffic while I was resting, though (well, playing Donkey Konga takes some physical exertion).
Oh, and I won’t be able to hear the podcast until late in the day when I get back from work, so please tell me if it’s any good when it’s made available. Also, while we have some idea for the next podcast, any theme suggestions would be appreciated.
Oh, and should IMAO have more cat picture? Because I keep seeing my kitten and thinking, “I should take more pictures of her and post it on the blog. Everyone would love that.” I just don’t think I have the style of Lair in cat-blogging.
Notice how cats want to kill anything smaller than them? Another reason I don’t want lions introduced to North America.
Guess what I had in my work mailbox? Patent junk mail. Yes, junk mail just for people with patents. That’s kinda exclusive. Like, I’ve gotten junk mail for CCW holders (aren’t records of who has CCWs supposed to be sealed?), but this make me feel like I’m on an even more special junk mail list. I wonder if there is junk mail just for Nobel Prize winners? I guess there’s one way to find out, but I never liked chemistry and I’m just not murderous enough for a peace prize.
Mmm… coffee…


  1. Laurence,
    I know what you mean, my cats always had trouble with the aperature settings too. You just have to work with them and they will eventually get it. You could enroll them in a photography class, that’s what I did

  2. Frank, I think you’re overlooking the obvious benefits of introducing lions to America. I figure if just turn the entire southern border into a National Wildlife Preserve and stock it full of lions and cheetas and what have you then viola! instant border control! And the best part is, the lefties can’t complain about it because it’s good for the environment, or something.
    Plus, who wants to fly all the way to Africa to poach a lion-skin rug?

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