
Let me know when the refugees from New Orleans start blowing themselves up on buses, hijacking airplanes, and demanding their own state.
I’m getting a soda pop.


  1. I weep for the loss of a place where you can sit down on a warm March evening and eat a plateful of andouille and red beans, a basket of fresh-steamed crawdads, and wash it all down with a few ice-cold Dixies. Most of the French Quarter is overpriced tourist stuff, but the food in some places is not. I always favored Napoleon House for its historical legend as well as for its food.
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  2. “hail to the chief”, you just got the classic hit “American Pie” stuck in my head.
    Oh I put the chevy to the levy but the levy was dry.
    Them good ol’ boys drinkin whisky and wine, singing
    This’ll be the day that I die
    This’ll be the day that I die

  3. I think it’ll be more important for the refugees to learn about the differences between “parishes” and “counties”, and how the rest of the states don’t use the French legal system…

  4. Citizen Grim:
    Indeed…muffalettas are truly one of God’s greatest gifts to the gastric juices. Alas, the Italian deli in the French Market is under water at the moment, so I think it’ll be awhile…
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

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