Return from Return to Flight

Yay! Shuttle landed safely!
Now scrap. The thing is starting to sound like the Mir.
Anyhoo, I’m back, and, after I catch up on what’s been happening in the news, I’ll write something funny as I tend to do. Anything been particularly begging for it?


  1. The shuttle itself doesn’t need to be scrapped, especially since there’s nothing new on the table and Congress doesn’t have much will to fund a REAL space program. Both accidents that have occured happened due to issues with the solid fuel boosters and the fuel tank. Shuttles are going to have problems when the boosters torch a hole in a fully-loaded fuel tank, and when the tank goes kamikaze on the Shuttle’s underside. Fix the launch system and keep it flying, because right now there is no Starship Enterprise or Battlestar Galactica to replace it with.

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