Stay Outta Brooklyn!

Britian is deporting for’ners who support violence, but where are they going to deport them to? It would be wrong to send them to the Middle East as they already have too many violent people there. Here are some other suggestions:

* Under the ocean so they’re Aquaman’s problem.
* Into a large cannon, and then out of the large cannon at high speeds.
* A New York taxi company.
* The tropical resort we know simply as “Gitmo.”
* A posh Hollywood party to be among other America haters.
* Into a volcano.
* The house in Big Brother.
* North Dakota (nothing to do or kill there).
* Into six-foot deep plots.
I’m still woozy, so that’s the best I could think of. Just make sure they don’t end up anywhere where Hillary will try to get them the right to vote.


  1. I would support sending them to North Dakota.
    I head out there at least twice a year for hunting trips.
    I’d more more than willing to work them into the rotation and make at least one additional hunting trip.
    Plus I can use that as a good excuse to buy another gun. After all, I’ve been drooling over an AR-15 for awhile now.

  2. I would support sending them to North Dakota.
    I head out there at least twice a year for hunting trips.

    Do you suppose the guides up there could work up a duck/terrorist combo hunt? Ducks from dawn to noon, terrorists from after lunch to sunset. I hear it’s pretty expensive to have a terrorist mounted, though. I’d probably just save the beard.

  3. Anyone else notice theose dudes all look like drowned rats… with glasses..?
    Which also makes me conclude they must have associated sex with violence all their lives.
    Which then makes me think again of how much they look like drowned rats… with glasses… and lots of fleas…
    Blow one up and get a plie of hair and fleas… with glasses… Man-o-man..

  4. My hubby says the human population in Antarctica is critically low, this might be the best place to send them…then they can be in a documentary called “March of the Muslims”

  5. Send ’em to Congress. They’d fit right in, and, like Congress, get nothing done, and therefore bother us no more.
    “Nevermore” quoth the Raven, eyeing the CongressPeople’s eyeballs.

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