We Don’t Have Time to Harp on the International Community

FOX and Friends kept going on and on about how they doubt we’ll see aid from the international community, and I’ve heard other conservatives say the same.
I’m sorry, but this is nothing but a cheap shot.
There are some culture differences between America and other countries in regard to charity (when the government provides everything, you get used to waiting for the government to help your neighbor), but, come on! We’re the richest nation in the world by far and perfectly capable of helping our own. If a fire breaks out in Bill Gates house, you wouldn’t expect a fund raiser to be started for him in the ghetto? Some charitable gestures from other nations would be nice (and I’m sure some will come), but, as bad as a disaster hits us here, there are many other countries much more in need of charity than us.
That said, I’m waiting for my company to announce matching funds in charitable contributions as they have with previous disaster (the tsunami was the last one).
Blender has a large list of charities kept at the top of his page. Remember, it ain’t actually charity unless you’re hesitant to give that much.
God bless.


  1. It’s just as well, in re receiving foreign aid from our “allies.” France would probably donate a water park with a huge wave pool to the city’s Recreation Dept.
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  2. Right, because the Red Cross was going to use that money to buy themselves luxury automobiles and mansions :rolleyes:
    Frank J., that was a smart and sensible post. So the only question I have is: who are you, and what have you done with the real Frank J.?

  3. On the way in to work, I was contemplating all the destruction, death and misery. This far exceeds anything we’ve experienced to date.
    I propose we not refer to this monstrosity by her given name, but that she will hereafter and forever be known as….
    The Bitch.

  4. Exactly what “help” could we expect from foreign countries, anyway? What could they do that we couldn’t do better? Do they have any hospital ships? Or carriers (that don’t break down, so that leaves France out)?
    Even if, say, the UN said “we’re waving your dues this year” (yeah, right), what help would that be? Money is just pieces of paper. You need “stuff” and have to get the “stuff” to the right location.
    Food and medicine? Well, it probably came from the US in the first place, so they just be giving our own stuff back. Medical help? If you were an old person, how would you feel about a French doctor in August?

  5. It’s not just a cheap shot. It’s a misunderstanding of how foreign aid works. The U.S. doesn’t expect anything in return. That would be foolish. We’re capable of helping others, which means that in most cases we don’t need outside help.
    I do take issue (several issues, actually) with those who are saying we deserved the hurricane because of all the “global warming” we have caused. Both the science and the sentiment are offensive and bizarre: “They may have drowned in toxic waters, but isn’t it their country that caused the hurricane by raising CO2 levels by 0.01% over the last 20 years? Serves them right!”
    But again, we should not expect anything better. No one should be surprised or upset. Being conservative, as FOX News usually is, means recognizing the blessings that Americans enjoy and recognizing America’s place as leader of the free world. Although the gesture would go a long way toward better foreign relations, we don’t need foreign aid.

  6. “I propose we not refer to this monstrosity by her given name, but that she will hereafter and forever be known as….
    The Bitch.”
    I propose we call it Lefty, because its done as much damage to the US as the Left has over the years.
    As for the people of the Gulf Coast,
    “Hospodi pomilju.” (“Lord, have mercy.”)
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  7. I disagree and your illustration cemented my disagreement.
    If Bill Gates’ house burnt down, I would open up my house to him, feed him, clothe him, and offer anything that I could. Certainly, I would not do it hoping to get something back…I would do it because it is the right thing to do–even for my worst enemy.
    Maybe that’s where we differ from the rest of the world.

  8. Damian: I think what Son of Jorel was referring to was the fact that the American Red Cross indicated that they wouldn’t be using all the 9/11 funds collected for 9/11 victims because that would end up with like $3 million a person. This sparked outrage from people who only feel the need to be charitable during major crises, and have no sympathy for the thousands of others who every day require assistance.

  9. I wasn’t trying to besmirch anyone who gives to, or works for the Red Cross. I was just throwing my charity preferences out there.
    P.S. The Red Cross is Satan Satan Satan, and probably a bunch of commies too. RED cross indeed.

  10. Sorry Frank, I can’t agree with this one. Even if they don’t actually give aid; a press release with sympathy for the victims is indeed called for. When the world tells us to give; act and help…we do. When we need them to do the same there is deafening silence. An apathy that comes from the mindset of “they are rich, they can handle it”. Don’t you think some words from people whose butt we saved at some point might be a tiny bit comforting to people who have lost literally everything? Wouldn’t a little bottled water from Canuckistan be a nice gesture at the very least?

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