Woe! I Lived!

Well, I had no power for a day and a half.
Damage? Some.
Lost some shingles off the roof. Some other nondescript things blew off the house. Some water came in the back door on the carpet.
Front Yard
My two trees in my front yard went visiting the neighbors. Didn’t hurt their house, actually may have done them a favor, the branches held their shingles on!
Back Yard,
Shed doors: Smashed. Smashed. Smashed.
It was a nice trampoline while it lasted.
Ants, bees, ants. loooooong lines to get in Home Depot. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong lines for gas. Super Duper Extra Unleaded Gas for like 2000 dollars a gallon.
And in the end we lived and came out pretty well compared to many who lost all their worldy possessions and others who got cast into eternity. I’ll write more about it when I get my thoughts together.
Oh and thanks for the kind words and prayers. I figured somebody would notice me missing from the blog. Just not so many.


  1. Wow, what a nasty storm. All that death and destruction (luckily not for you). I expect offers of aid and relief will be pouring in from the International Community very soon.

    play crickets chirping hereWow, what a nasty storm. All that death and destruction (luckily not for you). I expect offers of aid and relief will be pouring in from the International Community very soon.
    play crickets chirping here<
    Yeah, thats about right……

  2. crap, i can’t believe i wasted toner printing out hundreds of resumes sent in by your potential replacements . . . oh well, i hear laurence has a bad cold, so maybe it was not all for naught . . .

  3. Why were you “In Line” at Home Depot, Space Monkey? From up here in Minnesota it looks to us like all you people down there do is just bust in and hava-heepin-helpin whenever you feel like it! Glad you made it out ok!
    Think Bush and Barber are to blame for this like little Bobby says? What a dusch bag!

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