A Story, Bit-by-Bit
Superego: Part 27 – A View to a Kill


I left quite early for the meeting with Morrigan. I found the tallest building near the meeting point, and quietly made my way to the top. Then I sat in the shadows, put on some gloves (yeah, why worry about fingerprints when you’re dropping DNA everywhere; I guess I’m just old-fashioned), and waited.
Right now, I was following instincts – conclusions I couldn’t quite logically spell out but I was pretty sure of. I guess that had to be a bit like religious faith, but I’m never too surprised when my instincts are wrong.
They weren’t this time.
A very ordinary young woman appeared on the rooftop – her ordinariness clashing with the fact that she was on a rooftop. She sat down, took some odd items out of her purse, and assembled a sniper rifle. Then she aimed it down at the crowd below and looked through the scope. Finally, she took out a radio and said, “Hyena, this is Robin. I’m in position.”
Stealth isn’t my specialty, but I was easily able to sneak right up behind “Robin” as she scanned the crowd below.
I set my briefcase down beside her. “Nice view.”
She shrieked a little as she spun around. I then smacked her right in the face – hard enough to stun her but not knock her out. I then pulled out a gun and placed it against her head. “Do you know who I am?”
She was like a scared little rabbit – probably pretty new to this whole hired killer thing. “Ri… Rico?”
“Correct. And how dangerous am I?”
“Uh… very?”
“Smart girl.” I put away my gun and then put a knee down on her head as I picked up the rifle. “I’m sure you have a gun and a knife on you – if you don’t, you’re an idiot – but I don’t feel like wasting time trying to pat you down and find them. Just know that if you had a gun pointed right at my back, I could still draw, turn around, and kill you before you could pull the trigger. Do we have an understanding?”
“We’re on the same side, you know,” she gasped desperately.
“Then I guess you won’t mind me borrowing your rifle.” I scanned the other rooftops and higher windows of the surrounding buildings. What I found was interesting, but the numbers were the concern right now. “How many other snipers are there? Keep in mind that I’ve already spotted some and that lying is a sin… and I’m very vengeful against sinners.”
“Five,” came a voice from under my knee. I only saw four. So, I scanned some more and eventually found the last sniper. I could see well enough through the scope to tell the five other were three humans and two aliens… all female.
“I knew Morrigan wasn’t the type of person to work alone, but what’s up with you all being women? Are the criminal syndicates now doing affirmative action?”
“I’m part of the Lilith Organization.”
“Which is?”
“They exclusively train women for different tasks for the Corloni syndicate… I mean things like assassination and spying.”
I opened my briefcase while keeping Robin pinned down. “Didn’t know Corloni was that innovative. So, I guess they’re helping wayward women do something useful. If I had to choose between sniper and prostitute, I’d do the same as you. They pay well?”
“Yes. ”
“So, how many kills you got?”
“Three,” she said in a strained voice as she tried to turn her head against my knee.
I put together a new stand for the sniper rifle and placed it on it. “Confirmed?”
She was silent.
She was about as green as you get (and, unfortunately for her, would not eventually be getting the gold watch). “So you fired in the direction of three people along with others, and those people ended up dead, I gather. I couldn’t stand that, personally. I need to know I killed someone. Anyway, I’m guessing you’re too new to this to know about the Welsern incident?”
“I don’t know about that one other than that you were there.”
I made sure the stand held the rifle firmly. “I guess I’ll have to ask ‘Hyena’ about that in a few minutes.”
“There’s no reason for this,” she pleaded, “We’re on the same side.”
“I know; you keep saying that. And, since we’re all friends, I think it’s time for a little joke on Morrigan.” I turned on my communicator. “Dip, can you help me kill some people.”
Robin whimpered more at the word “kill.” This was going to be like offing a puppy.
I hate puppies.
“I’m afraid I’m not allowed to do that, Rico.”
I hate Asimov. “Fine, I’ll do things myself. I have a simpler task for you.” I switched the communicator so Dip could hear what I heard. “Robin, say something.”
“Say, ‘A big, mean man has a knee on my head,’ and say it calmly or I’ll stab you.”
“A big, mean man has a knee on my head.”
“Hear that, Dip?” I put a new transmitter into the interface on Robin’s radio. “I need you to imitate that voice.”
“Role-playing, Rico?”
“Right. You’re a sniper who answers to ‘Robin’ and is supposed to be keeping an eye out for me. If you’re called for, answer best you can and in that voice.”
“Will do, Rico,” said Dip in Robin’s voice.
“What are you doing?” the actual Robin asked.
I started finding the other snipers again, aligning the crosshairs on them, and programming the rifle base as I did it. “Quiet for a sec; I need to concentrate.” After another minute, I was done. I then looked to Robin (well, my knee). “Like I said, I’m playing a joke on Morrigan. It’s gonna be hilarious.”
“Robin, you have the best view,” said Morrigan over the radio, “Do you see the target, yet?”
“Negative,” Dip answered in Robin’s voice.
“So what are you going to do to me?” asked Robin in her own voice but shakier.
I chuckled. “You had to ask that.”
She started to sob uncontrollably. It was almost convincing.
“You don’t know much about me do you? All crying does is further annoy me.”
She stopped the sobbing. “Come on, Rico, you have a woman at your mercy and…”
I checked my watch. It looked like I was going to be fashionably late as it was. “I really don’t have time to watch while you go through the entire ‘Wily Female Tricks’ handbook, so let’s end this here.”
“We’re both Corloni!” she screamed, “You have nothing to gain from killing me!”
I pulled out a knife. “We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.”

How About a Happy Story Now

This will probably make SarahK cry.
(hat tip to Best of the Web)

I Don’t Even Know What to Say

Like we need more tragedy, here is some heartbreaking news.
Please pray for the family.

He Said/She Said

A set of bits didn’t make it into IMAudiO this week as SarahK and I were late sending in this new content. They’re based off of mutal frustration of SarahK trying to coach me on my lines (there should definitely be less lines for me in the future). Scott has now made them available separately:
She Said
He Said
(should be listened to in that order)
Isn’t it great that we can get angry with each other and turn it into a humor sketch?

Showing the bodies

It looks like CNN was successful in convincing the government that it’s okay for cameramen and reporters to swarm the corpse-recovery effort going on in New Orleans and other Katrina-stricken towns.
With this as precedent, I guess it would be okay for me to head out to Martha’s Vineyard and stalk veteran journalist Walter Cronkite and follow him around until he shuffles off this mortal coil we call life.
You know the man goes sailing almost constantly, right? Despite being shakier than Kirk Douglas behind the wheel of his 2005 Crashmobile, the man’s at the tiller and reading the waves like an upside-down teleprompter.
Well, it’s only a matter of time before the old coot makes a mistake and falls overboard. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but I’ll guarantee you that he’s going to end up on Poseidon’s Shortlist soon enough.
Life jacket? HAH! When has a news anchor ever worn orange in the field?
With a “That’s the way it is” he sinks below the surface and drowns. He bloats, surfaces, and seagulls pick out his eyeballs and tear meat from his carcass.
Days later, his ravaged corpse washes ashore at the Kennedy Compound.
And I’m there. Filming every moment of it. Filling chip after chip and loading it to my website while I wait for waltercronkitecorpse.com to propagate through DNS.
But, hey, CNN thinks that’s okay. Because the voyeuristic gathering of video from scenes of horrific tragedy without regard to how it might shock the audience or derange the families of the dead is perfectly fine.
The Founding Fathers thought of that when they crafted the First Amendment, you know. How else would Poor Richard’s Almanac gotten exclusive wood-carvings of Crispus Attucks’ shot-out face from the Boston Massacre otherwise?
Oh, and isn’t there video from the shuttle, too? I mean, are we to believe that NASA can make Tang and Velcro, but can’t make a camera that runs despite horrific temperatures and G-forces? Then what do they have mounted on Pioneer and the Voyagers… Kodak Brownies? Ektras? Polaroids that a robot-arm has to shake a few times to get them to develop evenly?
Even Miles O’Brien would object to that one, seeing as how he was buddy-buddy with most of those seven astronauts. But being a journalist, you have to be objective and distance yourself from the personal side of the story, and the show must go on (in between the commercials).
Let’s check the score, shall we?
Hundreds of ordinary people’s corpses left to rot in attics, porches, and apartments – okay.
Seven astronauts – not okay, because it might shock the families.
One veteran reporter who’s wife is already dead – most certainly out.
And let’s go back a few weeks… what if singer Mark Cohn hadn’t have had his skull creased by the bullet in Denver during that carjacking attempt? What if, instead, he’d have gotten his brains blown out through his face, all over the inside of the windshield?
Well, besides greatly reducing the chop-value of his car, what would a network like ABC have done with that video? Shown it?
Yeah, with Cohn’s wife Elizabeth Vargas acting as a fill-in anchor now and then to take the place of Peter Jennings, that would have flown over nicely. Might as well size the anchor chair for Charlie Gibson’s ass while Elizabeth is fitted with a vest that straps in the back.
Never mind those guys smashing up jewelry stores and robbing them, there’s a worse breed looter prowling the streets of New Orleans. It’s called a Newslooter, and it’s there to steal the most valuable and precious thing in that swamped city: dignity.

Republican Talking-Points FAQ

Right-wing bloggers are always being accused of just parroting Republican talking points and being plants of Karl Rove. This bring up lots of questions about how do we get those talking points and how does someone become a Karl Rove plant. To help, I’ve come up with this helpful FAQ to answer the questions I know the answers to.
Q. Does IMAO receive Republican talking points?
A. Well, I, Frank J., receive a fax at 6AM every day (including weekends) of the Republican Talking Points. I don’t share it with the other IMAO bloggers, and instead just browbeat them into saying what I want.
Q. Are these the same talking points all other Republican shills receive?
A. No, I get ones specifically tailored for bloggers. I assume politicians, pundits, radio talk show hosts, and FOX News get different talking points.
Q. Why are they sent by fax?
A. Apparently, Rove never caught up with 21st century technology – such as secure e-mail. He likes to personally sign the main copies as a sort of verification (see the picture of a talking point memo posted below). I’d explain digital signatures and what not to Rove, but I’m scared of him. At least they seemed to be composed on a word processor (or some ridiculously advanced typewriter from the seventies– whoops, that swipe was talking points from a year ago).
Q. How many other right-wing blogs out there receive talking points?
A. I wouldn’t know the exact number, but, obviously, most of them do.
Q. How does a blogger get to receive talking points?
A. Most blogs were created at the behest of Rove and started out with talking points. I had gained interest from my work as a Republican in college as offered a large sum of money to start a blog to pretend that conservatives are capable of humor (we really aren’t). It is possible to start a blog and then be approached by Rove or his henchman, but he seems to like more control over blogs than that.
Q. Do you share the money Rove pays you with the other IMAO bloggers?
A. This is “Frequently Asked Questions” not “Showtime at the Apollo,” so enough with he jokes.
Q. What happens if you deviate too much from the talking points?
A. A certain amount of deviation is expected to make it seem like we’re each our own individuals (e.g., hating monkeys is not on the talking points). But the power of the blogosphere is that we Republican shills all act in unison on some issue, so, if one blogger wanders too far off the reservation, then he or she will simply stop receiving the talking points. This will leave the person pointless and having to make things up like Drudge.
Q. Are there Republican talking points for podcasters?
A. Not yet. The IMAO podcast was originally Scott’s idea (I only come up with ideas given to me by Rove). You’ll notice how IMAudiO has less political content than the blog due to the lack of talking points. I am hopeful there will be talking points for podcasts soon (and more money for being that bigger a shill).
Q. Can I see a talking points memo?
A. Sure, here is a recent one, but please don’t tell Rove:

Continue reading ‘Republican Talking-Points FAQ’ »

He Probably Uses the Paper to Clean Up After Making His Smoothies

Guess who’s writing for the New York Times now.
Fine, then I’m going to write for the… uh… New York Post!

You Want the Funny; We Give You the Funny

Have you downloaded the latest IMAudiO? It’s super-funny, and make sure to pass it on (or the clips) to everyone who should know about it. And, with the addition of Homocon, our cast is now 3% gayer (don’t ask).
Unfortunately, the stress of putting eight (nine?) people spread across the country together in one audio is show is getting to be too much (despite the simulated back and forth banter, you could put all of us IMAO talent in one room and none of us would recognize each other). Scott is getting burned out as this is taking his whole weekend to put together, and, while that doesn’t affect the rest of us and is easy to dismiss, Scott might actually die from the stress if he continued at this pace. That would leave the rest of us to edit it, and then IMAudiO would sound like… well… a podcast (have you listened to the other stuff out there?). So, IMAudiO production will be slowed until we have a business plan (including promotion) so we know we’re moving towards getting at least some compensation for our time and effort.
Anyway, I have a great post ready for today, and, for those who’ve been reading my impromptu story Superego, this is the week it really starts to get interesting (I feel like a season of 24 where I’m packing as many twists into one story as possible). Thanks to everyone who has been enjoying it so far; that makes me feel good.
Be honorable, ronin.

We Survive

The death toll is horrendous, but at 197 so far for New Orleans, it’s certainly not the 10,000 the liberals seemed to be hoping for. Is the 197 a premlinary number and expected to rise when they do get an actual count, though?
I’ve been praying my heart out on this one; hopefully there will be a lot more reuniting of loved ones in the end than I dare hoped. It’s weird to see “only” 426 dead for a disaster in America and feel relieved.

IMAO Podcast #15 9-12-05

  1. IMAO’s Time Machine (Part 1)
  2. Introduction, sponsors & guest Nathan
  3. Nathan “If I could go back in time”
  4. “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Is Time Travel Possible?
  5. Harvey: Fun Facts About Iowa Part 1
  6. SarahK “If I could go back in time”
  7. Harvey: Fun Facts About Iowa Part 2
  8. Spacemonkey “If I could go back in time”
  9. IMAO’s Time Machine (Part 2)
  10. Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Froggy Wizard
  11. Harvey “If I could go back in time”
  12. SarahK reviews the Glock 17
  13. Frank J “If I could go back in time”
  14. IMAO’s Time Machine (Part 3)
  15. Conclusion

Frank J. and IMAO: Time Travelers!

Hello and welcome to all Instapundit readers!
New IMAudiO (or “IMAO Podcast” for those with iPods) is now available. In this week’s episode:

  • Spacemonkey invents a time machine
  • IMAO travels to Frank’s past to help him through a childhood trauma with disasterous results
  • Harvey’s Fun Facts about Iowa is heavy on the corn jokes
  • Laurence Simon is caught in a time loop
  • Sarah reviews a Glock 17 handgun

Download teasers for this week’s IMAudiO:

If you want to hear the whole thing, download the MP3:
Love it? Hate it? Leave your comments on this episode in the IMAO Fan Forum and check out our previous comedy audio productions in our Archives