A Wedding Means We Get Free Stuff

As Laurence Simon alluded to, SarahK now has up gift registries on her blog for Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Target, and Amazon.com. The last one was added at my request since, between the two of us, we already have tons of practical stuff. She didn’t let me register any videogames, though (and most of the DVDs were mutal choices).


  1. Pomoze Bog, and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.
    You might want to inquire of local gun and ammo shops as to whether or not they have gift registries; nothing more useful to newlyweds of your, er, “particular interests” than a gift card good for a case of NATO Standard…
    Tsar Lazar

  2. When my wife and I registered years back (years? seems like eons . . . er all of bliss!!) I commandeered the scanning gun and randomly registered us for cool things that I wanted. Towels? Flatware? Posh! I registered for a Playstation (xBox wasn’t out yet), some games, CDs, and a few other outlandish kitchen gadgets in the vein of pasta and ice cream machines. Sadly no playstation, pasta maker or ice cream machine arrived on our wedding day, but I did get some games and CDs.

  3. When I married Mrs. Exile we didn’t register for anything. I didn’t even think of asking for DVD’s or anything cool. (Actually, we got married in 1997, so DVD’s weren’t around then. I could have asked for Betamax tapes or something.)
    But, “The Karate Kid Collection?” Have you been drinking? Everything else looked fairly normal, but that.

  4. For Farscape they are now putting out the Starburst Collection of the series.
    I have traded in my regular edition for the Starburst editon to get more extras-I loooooove the extras!
    I looooooooove Farscape!!

  5. You know, anything with a barcode can be scanned into the Target registry. Like, I dunno, beer. For example. hands in pocket, whistling, looking innocent
    (My wife did not find it that amusing when I did on our registry. But my friends did. And someone actually bought it for us. Well, by “us” I mean “me.”)

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