As The Dome Turns

Apparently, the fire marshal and the people who plan disaster relief don’t communicate, because Houston offered up 24,000 folks a cot and three hots at the Astrodome but the gates have been shut at 12,000 or so.
We here in Houston are used to this kind of screw up. Although what we’re really waiting for is when the refugees threaten to relocate to Tennessee because there aren’t adequate luxury box accommodations and the astroturf isn’t fit for play.


  1. The rumor mill is working overtime out here. Latest is tha FEMA is moving fifty thousand (new and used) trailers to West Texas. Yep, set up out there in the middle of no where and let them live there for the forseeable future.
    I can tell you,they better be tough or the illegals will kick them all out and take it over.
    Papa Ray
    West Texas

  2. Nice Oilers reference, I almost had that dark part of our history wiped from my mind and you had to bring it all flooding back. I am here in Dallas now and they are bringing them into the now defunct Reunion arena and the adjacent convention center. I think they are projected to hold about 15,000 total.

  3. I heard a nasty rumor that our new “friends” around the astrodome are already treating the area like their own personal dumpster. I’ve got no beef with Rick Perry in general, but notice how he’s offering Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio as places for them to go, but not Austin? I think that the refugees would fit in perfectly with the weirdos there…

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