Back home

I’m back home in Houston, sitting in my happy leather chair with a happy little cat just burbling and twisting away under my hand.
Yes, when a catblogger says he’s typing with one hand, it’s not about porn.
I spent the weekend celebrating my grandmother’s 90th birthday in the part of Illinois immortalized as “Shermer” in John Hughes’ various movies.
I have returned to find zero (0) New Orleans emergency-tourists in my home. I was expecting ten or twelve.
This can mean only one thing: I have to fix my own drinks.


  1. Lawrence, leave it to a “Hymie from Hymietown” (in the words of the immortal Jackson) to exploit the po’ black man. Next thing you know you’ll have him steppin’ an’ fetchin’…
    I’ve got something burbling in my hand, too, BTW. It’s called a pint. 😉
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

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