bush lies, mars fries . . .

if i have learned anything from “school bus” ray naggin in the last few weeks, it is that a man has to stand up and admit when he is wrong. to date, i had dismissed the global warming fanatics as clueless self-interested idealogues, pushing an agenda that has no scientific basis. however, i was shocked to learn today that mars is experiencing global warming as well! something must be done! not only have we screwed up our planet, we are now scewing up or interplanetary neighbors. therefore, i call on president bush to immediately sign into law the kyoto treaty and cut greenhouse emissions in the u.s. by 75% in the next 5 years. i am also calling on the volcanoes of the world to agree to a 25 year moratorium on eruptions. i think if we all work together we can save mars!


  1. One of my co-workers pointed out(quite tongue-in-cheek) obviously Mars would not be warming up if we hadn’t been putting all those landers on it. But then we’ve done the same to Venus as well. Hmmmm…
    Been lurking about for a while. Thought I’d throw my 2 cents in(away?). Great site, Frank. Oh, by the way Sarah’s a keeper.

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