Carnival, scratch that, BonFire of Comedy Number 21 is UP

Apparently Mr < a href=””>BASIL (Hah all CAPS, thats right, that’ll show you, you rebel) thinks he can just ignore my rules for categorizing the carnival entries.
Instead he just ridicules them, all of them, even HARVEY’S entry!
Well, you can go see this flagrant violation of longstanding, universally accepted and somewhat, dare I say it, hallowed Carnival of comedy rules at the current Carnival Bonfire of Comedy here
BASIL’S site will remain up even if BASIL himself suffers mild to badgerous harm.


  1. Hey SpaceDude,
    You’re right about the Bonfire! I mean, give us a hint if a link is worthwhile or not.
    Death to Basil! Saw a couple of links that were pretty good, but come on! My time is valuable, Basil!!! (is it considered pass to say “shaking fist?”)

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