Don’t Tell Me You Don’t Know What Day It Is?

Tis be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
This scurvy ridden pirate used up about all his piratey post two years ago (here be the archives for September 2003; you’ll have to scroll down to the 19th yerself – Arrr!), but today all ye landlubbers must talk like pirates in the comments. If you don’t, I’ll keelhaul ya!


  1. Pomoze Bog.
    “Do chickenhawks use muzzle loaders or do you only want automatic weapons?”
    miniputz, I have shot a British Second-Model Brown Bess musket—the primary weapon of the British armed forces from about 1770-1820. It fires a .52 caliber lead ball at low velocity. It leaves a hole in flesh bigger than my fist and will splinter any bone it hits beyond repair. What it lacks in long-range accuracy (it’s good for about 100 yrds only), it makes up for in sheer damage, especially if you pack some fine bird shot in with it.
    Aaaaarrrrggggghhh. If I had me druthers, lad, I’d choose me a good musket any day, ‘specially if I’m huntin’ a Liberal dog like ye be.
    Tsar Lazar, tamping powder and ball even as we speak…

  2. Avast ye lubbers! Tis not th’ wee peashooters ye need tae speak of, but the long Nines and the 12 pounders that make up ye broadsides, wi’ ball, barshot an’ chain!
    Argghhh, me hearties, save them muskets fer th’ topmen fer when ye board that black galleon, an keep wi’ th’ cutlass and ax fer th’ close in action!
    Rum all around fer these scurvy rogues, aye, to be sure!

  3. D’oh!
    Dread Pirate J., I need a little advance warning here. I check your site about 1 or 2 in the AM and could’ve annoyed the girls yesterday morning with ‘piratese’. (I work in a residential home for kids with behavioural problems.)
    By the way, Sept 20 is Nat’l POW/MIA Recognition Day.

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