“Escape from Northern California”

Among the stories of harrowing escapes from the natural disaster in New Orleans, our friends at the World Tribune have the story of a man who recounts his “Escape from Northern California.”
Check it out.


  1. As for that stupid neighbor who complained about the lawn-cutting—hell, I’d load up my spreader with bug killer some day and apply it to my grass right in front of her (while drinking a beer, no less). If she bitched THIS time, I’d tell her that if I ever heard a word out of her again, I give HER yard a good dose some moonless night…
    Eco-terrorism cuts both ways, and Ortho and Roundup are the weapons of choice…
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  2. I escaped from California in 2000 and moved to Florida. Sure miss the SoCal weather but every time I hear about a new law that the California Assembly passed I think I made the right decision.
    Two examples
    1) There is a new CA law that says you cannot discriminate against transexuals in the workplace. That means if Joe (your male employee) decides to show up for work in a dress you cannot tell him he is not allowed to dress like a woman at work. Your choice is to lose customer’s who are freaked by Joe’s behavior or get sued by Joe the freak…
    2) There is a new CA law that says you do not actually have to harass a woman to be convicted of sexual harrassment. If you have two female employees and you favor one over the other thru social activity and promition, you may be convicted of sexually harrassing the one you didn’t favor if she can make the case that you favored the other woman over her.
    I think Arnold was the last hope for turning California around. But, I think he will be defeated by the public unions who want to protect their mediocracy (versus meritocracy).
    California will continue to drive businesses and jobs out of the state thru over taxation and over regulation.
    Eventually, everyone in California will be equal, equally poor that is….

  3. Well, I live in a farm community in the central valley, and fortunatly we’re still fairly conservative. The problem is here, is Bay Area people are moving in by the thousands. It wont be too many years and they will outnumber the locals, and our rights will be taken away. If I could move, I would. I love northern california, and if I had my way, I’d stop all building in my city on farmland. You could slow the tide. Our lucky thing is that we own all the guns. heheh.

  4. Guipo:
    Yeah, I’m in the central valley too. My stepson lives in Southtown (South Dos Palos) and he and his friends call them BAFs (Bay Area F–ks). The folks in Los Banos and now Chowchilla really hate ’em, and with good reason. I told my stepson that it was only a matter of time before Dos Palos elects a black lesbian for a mayor. He said, “That’s ok…were ready for the guerilla war that would soon follow.” 🙂
    The BAFs are anti-gun, so as you pointed out we natives have all of the, er, “physical corrective force.”
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

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