Flight 93 Memorial Thoughts

The ‘Crescent of Embrace’ Flight 93 Memorial could work to the satisfaction of many if we are only able to look at it from a slightly different angle.
Of course you know, the crescent is a symbol of your friendly neighborhood religion of peace, Islam. The crescent symbolizes this whether the ‘artist’ is willing to admit or not. But its not all bad. We just add a couple of stars. Like so.
Assuming you remember ‘Let’s roll’, you may or not realize where I am going with this.

Everyday, right before the time flight 93 went down on September 11th 2001 and as close as can be determined that the ‘Let’s roll’ comment was made and the heroes aboard the doomed plane, took their bold action. red white and blue steamrollers appears out of (seemingly) nowhere and pushes a black crescent into view around. Simultaneously two black circles are moved over the stars and opposite the crescents two black diagonal lines are moved in by more steamrollers.
Like so.
Then at the moment the plane would hit the ground the red crescent is pushed so that it is completely covered by the black crescent and the star and circle fall ito slot revealing their edges which are two black crosses.
The people who are in attendance should have seating or some other observation deck where they can hear and see the surprising yet smashing tranformation of the crescent.
Like so.
I call the redesigned monument the Crescent Roll of Heroes.
Ok, maybe the site is too big for this, but it’s better than what they are planning.


  1. WOW, Spacemonkey, your descriptive rendition along with all the pictorial changes are reminding me a lot of John Madden, I can see him slapping a diagram of the inner airplane up on the screen and he’d be in there with his light pen saying…”So the passengers only had this one aisle to go up here” draws yellow line up aisle and then circles front seats “but they could then take a defensive position here…”
    Not to make light of what they did, I’m just saying if John Madden had analyzed it…
    And your description reminded me of…

  2. Pomoze Bog.
    Mninb (aka miniputz), any historian outside of Harvard recognizes that the Crusades were, in fact, a belated REACTION to Muslim religious expansionism. Besides, Christians don’t justify their wars by citing Holy Writ; the Ishmaelites do, although their Writ is anything but holy.
    Personally, I think it’s time for another Crusade. The WOT is just the first wave…
    Tsar Lazar

  3. mninb, Who is Lamar? Oh, I get it, u kayn’t spel rite.
    I do hope you hang around, you are very polite for a troll. Even the little misspellings (and yes I know it is in retribution for the misspelling of your handle) of names is mighty polite for a troll.
    All I can figure is you must be a British liberal, Americans liberals would be cursing a blue streak already.

  4. spacemonkey,
    I don’t think mninb is British. If he was, his name would be mninde. I don’t even think his email address is real. Or, emaile…if he is in fact British.
    Sorry. That’s not fair to my British friends.
    Stupid trolle.

  5. We should just start from scratch I say. Let’s just put a big spire there, with a loudpseaker blasting out words in arabic. That way we’d remember who commited this crime. You’d have to blast out the arabic words like 5 times a day or so, so people will ‘remember’ a lot.
    And whenever we hear the loudspeaker, we should get down on our knees in homage to the brave ppl of flight 93. We should probably face in the direction of the arabs (most of em are near mecca). It would be like giving them the finger.
    Also, bring a matt so your knees don’t get dirty.

  6. Lamar is a good southern name, I guess. I know a few Lamars.
    But, no outright admission or denial of the British citizenship thing. Instead, an American pop culture reference to try to lead me to think it was wrong, Hah! I knew it! Bingo! A limey! Yay!
    I’m good.

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