Friday Stuff

Sorry not to have a compilation of Serentity blog reviews up yet; if another blogger wants to take the iniative to do a list of links based on whether the reviewer is a Firefly fan or not, I’ll link to you in a post.
Anyway, here’s Ebert’s quite positive review (despite his liberal leaning that sometimes pop up, he’s my favorite movie reviewer). Here’s a tepid review from Harry Knowles that I think makes some good points (slight spoilers). Both were not fans of the series (I don’t think Ebert watches any TV).
Oh, and I helped in predicting who Bush would make his next Supreme Court nominee. What Unix command was I refering to?
And, since no one guessed it, here is one of my favorite Firefly lines:

Zoe: I know something ain’t right.
Wash: Sweetie, we’re crooks. If everything were right, we’d be in jail.

I’ll have to add that to the IMDB list.
Even though today is an off Friday for me (and perhaps my last in a while), I’ll get to working on the next part of Superego and put that up soon.
Be honorable, ronin.


  1. I finally got my Firefly DVDs and I have a new one-of-my-favorite exchanges.
    They’ve robbed a train and couldn’t get off the train, so they’re being interrogated with eveybody else on the train.
    Mal and Zoe are claiming they were going to see Joey Blogs for a job.
    The sheriff mentions that Joey Blogs committed suicide.
    Sheriff:”Yep, Blew the back of his head right off.”
    Mal:”So, would his job be open?”

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