go vote! go vote! go vote!

Patrick Ruffini is doing another Presidential straw poll — last time we got a good turnout from this website (they rank by blog), which only makes us look good. I know it may seem a little soon to be having another one, but I think of it as a way to send a negative message to RINO’s like McCain and Hegel (who don’t care about the base but do care about the Presidency) to clean up their acts. Believe me, people are watching this poll and you can have an early impact on in the 2008 race.
So go vote!
Results will be here.
update: glad to see someone has a brain and fixed this!


  1. Ryan
    You went to college in Massachusetts?
    You don’t sound zombie-ized? I grew up there and as grown-ups do, I left!
    Only to move to a Massachusetts wannabe, Connecticut. What a sick, sick, corner of the world!

  2. Pomoze Bog.
    I like these polls, but why wasn’t Sec. of State Rice included in the main poll? Why is she though of only as a “fantasy candidate?” (besides the obvious reason of her fine physical appearence…).
    Tsar Lazar

  3. I like these polls, but why wasn’t Sec. of State Rice included in the main poll? Why is she though of only as a “fantasy candidate?” (besides the obvious reason of her fine physical appearence…).
    Tsar Lazar
    Posted by Tsar Lazar at September 27, 2005 07:51 PM
    I believe this is because she has stated she has no interest in running for president in 08. I think the main ballot only lists those who have done nothing to indicate they do not have presidential aspirations.

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