Happy Labor Day!

Phony union holiday… but I’m not too proud to take a paid day off when given it.
Hi, it’s Frank J., elder statesman and sometime IMAO contributor. Sorry about the IMAudiO vacation, but we’ve done fourteen shows now (full archives now available) and it’s a very work intensive labor of love (especially for Scott who edits all the bits and adds music; that’s his weekend). We hope to one day get money for this (and would love any ideas on promoting the show; we’re currently brainstorming ourselves – oh, and thanks to everyone who has voted for our show), but, right now, we just do it because we love each and every one of you.
We have an awesome show in the works which will come out next Monday. Until then, enjoy the great blogging of IMAO (I’ll be resuming tomorrow with a new In My World™) and make sure to join our IMAudiO forum to chat with your favorite celebrities – the IMAO cast!
Later, ronin.


  1. If you don’t like the “real meaning” of Labor Day, you can think of it as a day celebrating our mothers, who went into horrible labor (usually) to give us life. It’s like Mother’s Day, but not so mushy and a lot more about grillin’.
    As seen on an Adult Swim bump.

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