He Probably Uses the Paper to Clean Up After Making His Smoothies

Guess who’s writing for the New York Times now.
Fine, then I’m going to write for the… uh… New York Post!


  1. The “is scientific research Constitutionally protected free speech?” question is a no-brainer.
    Two word answer: “Joeseph Mengele”
    Long answer:
    Whether “scientific research” is Constitutional or not depends on the specific actions undertaken in the course of that research.
    Whether a particular course of action is “scientific” has absolutely no relevance to whether or not it is legal and / or Constitutional.
    Hmm … a Constitutional right to drop eggs off buildings might make a few physics teachers more than happy …

  2. Guess who’s writing for the New York Times now?
    Well Stalin is dead,
    CLinton is too busy running for the UN -Gov of California, the co-presidency, or playing with his cigars.
    I would hazard a guess that the new journalist writes in Arabic and lives in caves.
    What do I win?

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