HuffPo Fun!

First Gutfeld was a featured blog post on the Huffington Post, now even Arianna mentions his post as one to read. She also mentions David Rees’s response to Gutfeld most recent post (you’ll have to have read this one first to get all the jokes in Rees’s), and I cringed in preparation for liberal’s attempt tit for tat humor – but it ended up being pretty good (in a few parts, ideology trumps humor, but the same could be said for Gutfeld’s). Funny enough, the concerts each one mentions were the two concerts Sarah and I went to this year (guess which one I liked more). At neither was I beaten up by a group of pissed-off Cubans.


  1. I especially liked the Rees’ attempt to poke at Fred Phelps, even though that guy has never supported anyone other than ultra-left liberals in his entire life.
    Another excellent case of blatantly ignoring facts if they don’t support your point.

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