Hurricane Relief From the UN

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Recently the UN offered to assist the US in dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Working through their Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the UN has requested that all member nations donate whatever they can. Below is a partial list of current pledges:

Afghanistan – 34 tons of surplus building rubble.
Australia – 20 million cans of Foster’s, each with a souvenier crocodile-tooth can opener that says “No Worries, Mate”.
Belarus – 10 black-market suitcase nukes for beefing up security against looters.
Bolivia – 10,000 bushels of cocaine to keep the rescue workers alert.
Brazil – 1 million coupons good for a free bikini wax.
Canada – one slightly used hockey stick.
China – 1 million cookies with super extra happy cheerful lucky fun fortunes, like “You find dry soon”.
Cuba – 1000 flotation devices
59 buick boat.jpg
France – Haughty, derisive laughter.
Germany – A crate of emergency lederhosen.
Greece – 200 burly, hirsute homosexuals.
Guyana – 1000 barrels of grape Kool-Aid
Iran – 1500 “freedom fighters” with explosive “liberty belts”.
Ireland – 750 belligerent drunks.
Jamaica – 50 bales of weed and 1000 Rasta hats.
Japan – This handy instructional shirt-folding video.
Kenya – 50 “Holy Crap. Lions! Tours” busses.
Saudi Arabia – 1 million sandbags (bags not included)
Somalia – Assorted warlords & gunmen.
Sweden – The Bikini Team.
swedish bikini team.JPG
UK – Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam, and spam.

Also, rumor has it that Kofi Annan himself will be pledging $10 billion dollars of embezzled funds to the Red Cross.
Or maybe he pledged to embezzle $10 billion from the Red Cross. Hard to tell, his English is only so-so.
Anyway, if you’ve heard of any other pledges, feel free to mention them in the comments.
If you’d like to MAKE a pledge, see the Red Cross.


  1. I couldn’t wait to check out that Swedish bikini team website!!! I was very dissapointed to discover that they actually want you to pay money for a membership.
    What kind of degenerate would pay money just so they could look at pictures of the Swedish bikini team? How completely messed up would you have to be to pay money to join a website like that?
    Besides Harvey I mean. I’m sure he is just fine.

  2. Seeing the bit about Greece reminded me of this story. What really gets me though?

    Thousands of such sex videos were also found stored on computer hard drives seized in the shop.

    Makes me wanna poll how many people actually use cell phones for that purpose. I never knew it was so prolific.

  3. You failed to tell us that Canada’s donated hockey stick will be disallowed to cross the boundry as it is considered by Canada to be a dangerous weapon and hence has been duly registered and confiscated.

  4. That 10 Billion donation by the ever- altruistic Kofi Annan is a true story -not a rumor. However, it was not donated to the RC, it is in the form of I.O.U.s and is directed to go into a new international charity fund headed up by Bill Clinton called FillBill.
    Please send all donations to
    Please note that Jimmy Carter will assist Bill in charity duties when Bill is force to return to Harlem to fulfill his black-presidental duties.
    Bill has assured wary donators that absolutly no money will be used to clean blue dresses.

  5. I hear that Mexico is sending 1,000,000 litres of freshly bottled Montezuma Water. (To be delivered at night somewhere between Yuma and Nogalas AZ.)by 4,000,000 volunteers who are too modest to leave their names.

  6. Wow, as an evacuee (sp)) I want the Fosters and the swedish bikini team. Currently displaced in Little Rock, AR. The people are super nice. But I can’t find a decent neighborhood bar. UGHHHHHH.
    Everybody safe but not use to liquor stores

  7. //Given Bush’s lack of diplomacy skills you’re lucky anyone offered too help at all.//
    Given the UN’s lack of scruples and ethics I’m not surprised he didn’t accept any of their “help” Shamus…and by the way lovely name your mom gave you…she must have been REALLLLLY embarassed.

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