I Blame the Hurricanes… and the Jews in the Path of the Hurricanes

Another very busy day for me. I’ll try to make time for my IMW and Superego (does everyone get the title now… not that anyone asked a question about it before) update, but hopefully the other bloggers can give you the quality humor you’ve come to expect from IMAO, the primary news source for people in the know (you like our new slogan?). Unfortunately, some of those bloggers are fleeing hurricanes.
BTW, they keep talking about how the hurricane is weakening from a Category 5 to a Category 4 on the news like that’s such a great thing.
“Hey, we thought a nuclear bomb was about to go off a block from you, but ends up its just an atomic bomb!”
We all saw what a Category 4 did to New Orleans (I’ve only personally dealt with Category 3 storms), so keep America in your prayers… and especially Laurence Simon, IMAO’s token Jew.

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  1. but Frank, does anyone believe in Freudian theory anymore?
    Yep. The same people who still believe in Santa Claus and most liberal causes: college and university professors.
    Still, Freud’s model of ego/superego/id is, in many respects, unsurpassed even by modern psychology, even non-scientific (but extremely functioning!) models like NLP.

  2. Pomoze Bog.
    Having studied Freud, I caught the reference right off. However, since I despise Freud (indeed, I think “Fraud” is a better name) I didn’t comment. Your use of the title in the context of Rico is well-done, though. Indeed, it provides a cautionary note to what otherwise would be a rather bloody pulp story, making an excellent point about Freud and amorality. While most of us find Rico somewhat funny, I, for one, wouldn’t hesistate to send him on a Magic Gurney Ride up at San Quentin.
    PS How does one apply avatars at this site?
    Tsar Lazar

  3. Well Joey, having a sense of humour is something of a prerequisite to understanding the site’s humour. But since it has been scientifically proven that liberals don’t actually have a sense of humour, they tend to feel left out at humour sites.

  4. Just saying that liberals won’t find this site funny, due to their collective humour-impediment. I’ll admit Frank’s been posting a lot of Superego, lately…not that this is a bad thing by any means, but still.

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