I guess you all want the Left to prevail

Left-wingers dominate Apple iTunes and Podcast Alley’s Top Ten lists and have since those sites started keeping tabs on listeners’ habits. Frank and I promised new IMAudiO (or “a new episode of the IMAO Podcast” for those who own an iPod) if IMAO is voted #1 at Podcast Alley for a 24 hour period between now and midnight September 5, 2005.
I just checked the stats at Podcast Alley and see that IMAO is #8 with only a fourth of the votes required to bump us up to the top slot. If you’re in the top slot at Podcast Alley, it often garners media attention for the producers (which IMAO needs to continue and grow).
And nine out of ten of the top podcasts are produced by political leftists–even if their shows aren’t about politics, these top-rated hosts go out of their way to villify traditional American values. And two of the latest audio productions added to the Podcast Alley lineup are “Left Hook Radio” and “Blast The Right” whose show descriptions cheefully offer to give advice on defeating the Republican agenda.
Take a stand against these hate-filled lefties and tell all of your friends and family to vote for IMAO at Podcast Alley. If you can’t immediately get on the Podcast Alley website, it’s the first of the month and lots of left-wing podcasts are telling their listeners to vote. Be vigilant and don’t let the political left game this system!

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