I’ll Update When I Update

Sorry to not posting anything so far today. Real busy at work right now. I have an IMW started as I do the next part of Superego, but I’m not sure when I’ll get to them.
BTW, as SarahK has started taking over administrative duties of the site, she’s added our wedding registry to the left side bar. How many cooking utensils do we need?


  1. President Bush decided Wednesday to waive any financial sanctions on Saudi Arabia, Washington’s closest Arab ally in the war on terrorism, for failing to do enough to stop the modern-day slave trade in prostitutes, child sex workers and forced laborers.
    We sure love Saudi Arabia.

  2. Pomoze Bog.
    “President Bush decided Wednesday to waive any financial sanctions on Saudi Arabia, Washington’s closest Arab ally in the war on terrorism, for failing to do enough to stop the modern-day slave trade in prostitutes, child sex workers and forced laborers.”
    Minibrain, welcome to the Islamic world. It’s not just the Saudi’s, it’s all of them. Wise up…Muslims are slave-masters by fiat, courtesy of the mouthings of their child-molester turned professional prophet.
    Tsar Lazar

  3. I read your post about not posting. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m not actually very good with people,” After thinking about you being torn between work and cooking utensils, I then started laughing hysterically.

  4. Pomoze Bog.
    “However many barbeque tools you want, plus a pizza cutter. That’s how many you need.”
    Oh, and FrankJ…Sarah’s cool, but don’t back down until “beer cooler” is added to your registry. 😉
    Tsar Lazar

  5. MiniMe – was that Off Topic? Would you like a Hot Pocket?
    As far as the Middle East is concerned, it’s all one big glop of camel spit with a tin horn here and a tin horn there. Even our ‘allies’ in the region might as well be our enemies, with rare exception.
    What the suicide bombers don’t know is that the 72 virgins they covet are not women.

  6. You need enough cooking utensils to fill your kitchen. That way when ninjas attack, you can fall back to the kitchen and use your Jackie Chan skills to make it an impromptu arsenal of death. Remember pizza slicers are dangerous in the hands of untrained.

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