IMAO is just “some other podcast”

The good news is that ALL previous IMAudiO productions are now available in the Archives. If you are a subscriber to the IMAO Podcast, expect to see options in your iTunes, iPodder, or other subscription software to download previous episodes in about a day or so. (UPDATE: Subscribers to our Web feed now have the option to download all previous episodes of IMAudiO)
Bad news for those of you wanting to hear a new IMAudiO production (AKA the “IMAO Podcast” to iPod owners) on Monday: We’ve been voted out of the top slot at Podcast Alley by four votes–IMAO couldn’t keep the top slot for a day.

The podcast that displaced IMAO on the countdown is a daily radio talk show that promotes marijuana use along with “freedom and peace” as the foundations of the “basic rights of humanity,” pines for the good o’l days before the Civil War when the silver standard and Democrats reigned, and on Friday night this show asked their “thousands of listeners” to vote for them on Podcast Alley because “some other podcast” was #1 by 40 votes.
That “other podcast” was us. They were too scared to even mention the name of IMAO on their show because they knew their listeners would discover IMAudiO and be hooked on us instead of pot. Apparently their listeners put down their bongs just long enough last night to enter enough votes to push IMAO out of the top slot by a single vote (as of this writing on Saturday morning, only four votes separate IMAO from the #1 slot on the Podcast Alley countdown).
Thank you to everyone who did take the time to vote for IMAO on Podcast Alley, but the bottom line is that even with our most loyal fans, IMAO couldn’t hold the top slot for more than a day. It pains me to say that since we are no longer #1 on Podcast Alley, we will not be releasing a new podcast this Monday September 5.
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and please keep those good people affected by Hurricane Katrina in your prayers and thoughts…
…but I just want you to know that it’s perfectly fine to wish slow, painful death upon looters and anyone that calls IMAO “some other podcast.”

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