Lessons from Katrina

Here are some of the things I’ve learned from watching the coverage of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
What Katrina Can Teach Us.
It’s basic human nature: When resources run out — people will begin to loot for the basics — food, water, and big screen TV’s.
Money is flowing into the charity coffers. Charitable organizations can always use the extra money to fund rescue, provide comfort, and fund Air America.
Katrina was named after the Greek Goddess of global warming. At least — that’s what you hear when you talk to liberals.
Given a choice between compassion for those suffering and hating President Bush — many on the Left would choose the latter.
We still have many people clinging to hope and praying for rescue. Pray for them.
Conditions in the Superdome were bad. Poop on the floor and garbage everywhere. Thankfully, some people are being moved to the Houston Astrodome where the only remaining smell is the stench of Astro failure.
It makes sense that the first American city to be destroyed would be the one with the strongest French influence.
Hope the city gets rebuilt quickly — Girls Gone Wild is waiting to restart filming.
If you want to see boobs in New Orleans you’ll have to wait until the next official press conference.
The job of the Mayor is to take care of the people in his city. When he fails at that — his secondary job becomes blaming the federal government.
We have some of the best rescue people in the world. Thank you for your efforts.
This is big. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Be patient with the rescuers. They’re doing the best they can.

The United Nations would offer to send help. Given the choice, people prefer the smell of toxic waste.
Speaking of which: What will move faster — rebuilding New Orleans or remodeling the United Nations building?
You can never have enough fresh diapers stored in your cupboards. Or clean water. Or garbage bags.
You should also have a good supply of toilet paper. In a pinch, you can always use books by Al Franken.
Rebuilding New Orleans is a stupid idea. They’d be better off moving to California. There’s plenty of housing here — along the San Andreas Fault.
I guess every state has a natural disaster they often see. California has earthquakes and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The entire New Orleans region is contaminated with toxic waste. It’s official: New Orleans is now like New Jersey – except with better music.
At some point in the process — somebody will say — “We can’t rebuild here — this whole place is a Wetland Preserve.” Expect it.
Cindy Sheehan lost her top spot on the front page. Her next step is to protest the Blue Angles for glamorizing the military to help recruitment.
After that — she’ll camp outside New Orleans to protest the military’s role in providing aid and comfort.
Cindy never met the president — but she did get to meet Martin Sheen who plays the President on TV. She also met Al Sharpton, who plays a reverend.
America is resourceful. That’s what I love about our people.
FEMA is looking at bringing in cruise ships to provide shelter. It’s a good move provided that none of the people end up with the Norwalk Virus.
Thinking ahead- it’s a good idea for you to have a supply of cash on hand in small bills — just in case your local store isn’t available for looting.
When a terrorist in Gitmo bats his eyelashes — does it cause a storm in New Orleans? Some people think so.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez criticized the New Orleans evacuation plan. As an example, he offered Fidel Castro who can evacuate Cuba very quickly. After some quick checking — this is in fact true. For every Cuban there are 2.4 inner tubes.
If you haven’t donated to a charity yet, maybe today would be a good day.

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  1. “A friend in Alabama said this morning that his lesson learned is that he does not have enough guns in his house.”
    Amen. Watching the crap going on there makes me more determined than ever to increase my NRA contributions for the coming year.
    In one sense, the Second Amendment is wrong; guns are needed for the ABSENCE of a well-regulated militia.
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  2. One more thing that we need to learn is how Martial Law could really be a good thing!! Those people looting for things they don’t need and making the rest of the people pay a cost for it…including cops. The one that was killed for trying to stop the looting, those bastards need to be shot!!

  3. “It makes sense that the first American city to be destroyed would be the one with the strongest French influence.”
    I’ve heard variations of this from other commentators, and with respect, I think it’s in bad taste. Normally, I’d be the first to criticize France, but this isn’t the time to make light of the death and destruction. Not to mention the fact that this is a wholly American disaster, not a French one.

  4. I am from Baton Rouge. Just down the road from New Orleans, and now home to a lot of the surge of displaced New Orleanians. We now are battling with a tremendous crime wave due to the lawlessness being exibited by many of those folks. I feel sympathy for those that deserve it, but disgust for those that choose to not abide by the law and those that cannot do for themselves. I would have run/walked/swam/crawled out of the Superdome and away from there myself, rather than wait to wait and die amongst the trash. Most of the people there are the product of the welfare state, and are showing the world what the results of years of handouts bring you.

    At long last and after months of speculation, the identity of the Hate-Filled Lefty has been revealed. Point your browser immediately to this page:
    Katrina: Yes, you CAN blame Bush
    The author posts some reflections on the Katrina disaster in which he ultimately decides to donate to the relief effort even though it goes against his conscience. Yes, against his conscience. Read it all.
    Some of the commenters defending him are a sight to behold. Look for anything by one Doug Eldritch. The guy clearly has some problems–his posts consist of stream of consciousness rants laden with profanity, hate for Bush and anyone with a job, and accusations of racism against anyone who tries to lead him gently by the hand to reason.

  6. Ok, John. How exactly is a natural disaster Bush’s fault? And what did you “tell us so” about? Btw, this is the same insensitive argument that was trumped out after 9/11 (“See, we told you so. America’s foreign policies caused this. We brought this on ourselves,” etc.). But lets take your long ramble point by point.
    Bush was in Air Force One for safety and security reasons. This is common practice, not because he was a “scared bitch.” At that point, we were very much in the dark as to what was going on. We didn’t know whether there’d be follow-up attacks, when they’d be, and where. Not to mention the fact that the president of the U.S. would make a nice target. I guaruntee if Al “I created the internet” Gore were president on 9/11, he’d have been on Air Force One too.
    “Tax cuts kill. Ask the relatives of the dead of the Gulf Coast.”
    Only true moonbat logic could equate these two. How do tax cuts lead to a natural disaster?
    “He can’t even explain the Iraq war to a grieving mother.
    So what did you do?
    Write the most vile things about her and her dead son. Attacked her patriotism and her honesty.”
    Bush did meet with Cindy Sheehan, after which she was apparently satisfied. Then suddenly, she demanded to speak with him again, presumably to have him explain to her the exact same things again. Does this sound like a partisan political opportunist? Nah….
    No one on the right has ever criticized Casey Sheehan, a true American hero. Instead, they’ve reserved their well-deserved criticisms for his lunatic mother. Consider this: Casey joined the military for patriotic reasons, and was under no circumstances drafted or coerced into joining. After he dies, his mother aligns herself entirely with the moveon.org, far left anti-war crowd. At the very least, this means she disagrees with her dead son. It also means she’s desecrating her son’s memory.
    How is criticizing the war that Casey volunteered for and died fighting in honoring his memory?
    As far as your racist remarks, I think they speak for themselves.
    Oh, and btw, “Islamofascism” describes the political affiliation of the extreme Muslim terrorists we are currently fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The terrorists would like a return to medieval times under the rule of the Sharia. They detest Democracy in all it’s forms, hence the title “Islamofascism.” Would you like a civics lesson as well?
    In your long, rambling drivel, I’m shocked you didn’t mention “chickenhawks” or Halliburton. But I guess even moonbat lefties don’t trot out the Halliburton argument anymore, since it never did and still doesn’t make any sense. The chickenhawk argument is equally stupid, because military service does not give one “absolute moral authority” (does that phrase sound familiar?). And the government is in civilian hands, anyway. Doesn’t that tell you anything, my liberal friend? Perhaps that our founders didn’t want a military government? Or that they wanted the major decisions made by civilians? Any of this making sense? Btw, I myself am in the Navy, so I would think twice about calling me a chickenhawk.
    And what about the joooooos? Weren’t the neocons and Israel somehow responsible for hurricane Katrina? Didn’t Israel know about it in advance, evacuate their citizens from New Orleans, and fail to inform the US government? Speaking of which, a vote for Cindy Sheehan is a vote for David Duke.
    I think we have found the hate-filled lefty, and it’s this guy. Are you guys at IMAO sure you didn’t cook up this stereotype of a left-wing nutcase? He seems too…..I dunno…..frothing at the mouth.

  7. John de Mol is:
    A) Mad that his deranged far-left podcast was knocked out of first place by IMAO.
    B) Mad that the police took away the flat-screen TV that he had just looted.
    C) A (Can’t)MoveOn-bot who was assigned IMAO to spam with his talking points.
    D) A scientific wonder – a pile of sh*t that can type.
    E) Certainly not a friend of any sane humans, let alone conservatives.
    F) All of the above.

  8. Oh, John? How can you speak of God, an all loving Savior, and be all filled with that much hate and have such a filthy mouth? BTW the name “John” means gift from God not not God’s gift to America. So please quit taking the drugs. It’s really messing up your brain.

  9. John de Mierdo:
    Yeah, well, considering that most Lefties have replaced God with some form of atheistic humanist agenda, then I guess you DO have the right to play god.
    Or do you mean the God that condemns hate, homosexuality, abortion, and many other things the Left seems hell-bent (literally) on defending?
    You need to be clearer when you say these things, you know. And please spare us posts like the one above that come right out of the Abbie Hoffman School of Hyperbolic Rhetoric—Hoffman died (unlamented) some years ago…he committed suicide in a cheap trailer in New Jersey, a fitting end, I think.
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  10. As someone who is seeing the devastation firsthand, I can tell you personally, John, you are as full of SH%* as a fat tuesday port-o-can. The problem we have can be traced back to crybaby welfare policies. These folks have been relying on the government so long, they can do nothing for themselves. they cry and ask why the government has forsaken them. I say, get off your azz, drop the 50 pair of nikes you just looted, and start walking! stop waiting for a bus, meet the bus halfway! In all fairness, some are sick and injured, but a lot are too f-ing lazy to get up and move around to better themselves. so, john, you and your socialist buddies need to start looking a little closer to yourselves and YOUR party line to see where the problem lies. BTW, while you are on your fat tail eating cheetos and crying about politics and blaming the right, we will be rescuing victims.

  11. I have the feeling that the career poor of New Orleans will expect to be housed and mailed checks in order to get back to normal. Meanwhile the working class people made poor by the storm will work their way out of poverty eventually regaining something close to what they lost.

  12. De DU Moonbats sing this song,
    Doo-da, Doo-da
    De Chimpy gone and done ’em wrong
    Oh, de doo-da day
    Dey foam at de mouth when Nawlins caved in,
    Doo-da, doo-da
    “It’s Rove raisin’ Exxon stock agin!”
    Oh, de doo-da day


    Gwin to moan all night
    Gwin to moan all day
    Dey post dem thoughts on conspiracy blog:

    “BushHitler let in the bay!”

    De long hair Hippie and Chicago boss,
    Doo dah! doo dah!
    Dey fly off de track as dey both quite cross,
    Oh, de doo-da day.
    “De Army be stick in a big sand hole,
    Quagmire! doo dah!”
    “Babs do better in de President’s role!
    Oh, de doo-da day”.
    Ma Sheehan, she want her air time back,
    Doo dah! doo dah!
    Old cow, she start to talk some smack,
    Oh, de doo-da day
    “We bring Mike Moore; he a heavy!”
    Doo dah! doo dah!
    “We use his ass to plug levee!”
    Oh, de doo-da day.

  13. I’m confused, which section of the Constitution says, “Nobody should be negatively effected by weather”?
    And where does it say, “Hurricanes are somebody’s fault”?
    I see the horror – brought by weather – around Louisiana and Mississippi. My reaction is sadness, and my reaction is donating some money to help people.
    I guess I don’t have enough hate in me.

  14. Harry S. Truman is an even bigger criminal! In 1951 400000 lost their homes through flooding in Kansas and Missouri. 1952 saw floods in Mississippi that destroyed the homes of 100000 people. The same year 4000 Londoners died because of smog. A few months later a storm flooded almost 20% of the Netherlands and killed thousands. That and Korea and Hiroshima! Don’t you see the BIG PICTURE?
    I’m not making light of the current tragedy or any mistakes that were made. But it is disgusting how some people wear their moral indignation all year round like a comfy leather jacket, no matter what really happens. I’m not buying, John. No matter how hard you try, your goodness and compassion does not shine through.

  15. Raise your hand if you’re as tired as I of being blamed for all this by black “leaders”. I don’t owe anything, not even an apology to the descendants of slaves. In fact, I am of Irish descent and my ancestors were treated worse than the blacks. They didn’t own any slaves either. But I don’t wallow in it. The fact remains that very few black people now living in this country have direct ties to slaves. Slavery was unarguably a black mark on this great country. But I am not responsible for it.
    As for the leadership of the “black community”, they are the ones responsible for selling their own people into slavery of the intitlement mentality. Shame on them!
    My responsibility for the poor comes from the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus says that whatever I do to the least of His brothers, I’ve done to him. The only reason I have a responsibilty to the poor is because I don’t want to be told “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and all his angels”.
    Hell is real and I ain’t going.

  16. Looks like John has been drinking that filthy water down in NO…it’s spewing out of his mouth. What a fine representative of the left in America. No wonder the right keeps winning elections. I’m looking for a warrant to be issued for the arrest of Senator Mary Landrieu. She has threatened the POTUS. That is against the law. Yeah…the left is really a pityful, pathetic bunch of hypocrits

  17. Here are some of the things I’ve learned from reading this post and the resulting comments:
    Dr. E. Scientists, phD. is a very funny individual.
    John de Mol is either someone doing a brilliant troll imitation as a comedy routine, or is functionally retarded and in desparate need of a lobotomy.
    Don’t mess with people on an IMAO thread.
    I LOVE this blog! (But I already knew that, so technically, does this one still qualify?)

  18. What a tool John is. The looters didn’t head the warning because it was opportunistic for them to stay behind. Hell, they weren’t told they HAD to evacuate until well after the problem had manifested itself in the form of rising levee water. Did Bush break that levee? Or was it the graduate of the Potty Mouth School of Public Speaking – N.O. Mayor Ray ” I am a victim” Nagin? I lived in Houston for 25 yrs and we used to talk about the day when NO was going to be submersed. Problem is that with the dead bodies, dead animals, mold, chemicals, etc. I believe it will probably smell better than the last time I was there.

  19. Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I think Michelle Malkin is Hot! And I am a whitey! Put that in your crackpipe and smoke it John. Don’t you need to wash you car rims or shine you teeth? Go do something constructive, not destructive. OH Wait, thats not possible for a lefty from the East Coast.

  20. The biggest lesson learned from Katrina is what a cesspool of dependancy, corruption and criminality New Orleans had become before the storm hit. The sociopathic existance of so many of the city’s residents was so deeply ingrained that it is hard to imagine the situation improving in the absence of Katrina’s version of urban renewal.
    Now these people will be dispersed across America for an extended period of time, in many cases forever. Crime rates in the areas hosting former New Orleans residents may rise for a time, but it is virtually certain that these areas will still maintain the critical mass of decent people needed to uphold the social order that had so clearly and irretrievably disintegrated in the Big Easy.
    The displaced residents have been given a one time chance to escape from the pathological existance they had come to regard as a normal way of life. Those who don’t take advantage of the opportunity will doubtless be surprised to find that the rest of the country has far less tolerance for leeches and predators than the city they left behind.
    Thank you Katrina.

  21. That when social order breaks down, when people are struggling to survive, when lawlessness runs rampant in the street, we should leave when the first shots are fired at a national guardsman… …no wait that’s Baghdad.

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