may i present to you . . .

the official IMAO beer wench!


  1. hey, I would love to thank you for pointing me out the one true love of my life…and for once I’m not talking about beer or that girl’s chest. I’d marry that girl (the real one, not sarahk) chest unseen…
    but, you know…seeing her chest sure ain’t kiliing the deal…

  2. i didn’t even know he had gone on vacation — i have been moving out/moving in for the last 3 weeks so really haven’t visited any blogs at all — thanks for the tip 😉
    “Dirndl fillers” — lol

  3. what self-respecting texan doesn’t drink beer?! i guess i should cancel my plane ticket if you’re going to have a dry reception
    you need to quite drinking that .99 per case stuff, and move up to something classy like Olympia or PBR 😛

  4. SarahK! Beer does not smell like pee! It has a delicious scent of hops and barley, it cools you on a warm summer day (and a hot Christmas morning). It is truly the nectar of the gods.
    I haven’t had a drink in seven years, and ever since I saw the original photo of the frauline’s rack, I’ve been dying for one.

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