Rehnquist… Out!

Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court William Rehnquist has died. He died of cancer but he’d lived a full life of 80 years.
I nominate IMAO’s lawyer Kevin to fill the vacancy on the Court.


  1. Wow… I’m not quite as saddened as when I found out Reagan had died, but I am saddened anyhow. I can only imagine how the leftys will whine about how Bush will now try to lean the court to the right….
    Oh yeah – FIRST!

  2. I was watching the news this morning, and they were talking about the hurricane aftermath (which I expected). I didn’t find out about this until I went to my computer and checked here.
    This has to be the first time I’ve learned huge breaking news from my own website.

  3. I had the honor of meeting Justice Rehnquist in the spring of 1973, when I was a first-year law student at Stanford, which both he and Justice O’Connor attended (in fact, they were classmates, first and third in their class, respectively). He was very courteous and kind, and not at all condescending to me and my peers. His first-rate mind, courage of his convictions, and courteous manner will be missed.

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