Serenity Now!

Thanks to sandor at the zoo telling me about the opportunity, I’ve signed up for the press screening of Serenity in Orlando on Tuesday (I haven’t been this excited to see a movie in a long while). Any other bloggers going to be going to the Orlando screening?


  1. ….knew I should have started my own stupid blog….!
    Bah! Closest pre-screening is in Charlotte anyway. Well heck, just 7 little days until it opens nationwide.
    It is going to be a loooooong week…

  2. I see you’re making many jealous of your fortune in advance screening-ness.
    I, of course, am immune to all such jealousy as…I’VE ALREADY SEEN IT!!!!!!
    Ha. I say again, ha.
    Yes, it’s shiny and you’ll like it.

  3. I thought they stopped all that stuff, like, a month ago. Cool.
    I am planning on going. Cool, we can like, meet and stuff. Don’t know if I can make it, though. I am in Prescott, AZ, and have no car. And I have class that day. But I will see what I can arrange.

  4. Looks like the tickets are all gone anyway…..I thought I emailed you about this the other day!?!? Glad you got in in time Frank. Gorram bloggers get all the perks(free movies and pretty girls) it just ain’t fair.

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