Sheehan Changes Name In Bid To Remain Newsworthy

Today antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan announced the paperwork to change her name legally to Hurricane Bushisawarcriminal has been filed.
Citing an extreme low pressure region behind her eyes, she predicts that she “will be the most devastating blast of hot air to strike at an American president in recent time, at least since what happened to Clinton.” She added, she has no plans to dissipate while over land either and intends to be very unpredictable.

“You’ll definitely want to closely watch me, Hurricane Bushisawarcriminal, since neither logic, facts, reason nor prevailing wind of current opinon control my movements”

, she stated.
The following probability cone was released in conjunction with the announcement.



  1. Hey Lamar, get out into the world and travel a bit. I recommend almost anywhere in Africa. Most people aren’t as evil as you think. It’s gov’ts that are evil. The men with power. I can sorta sympathize with you gun lovers cuz I’m a bit concerned about the republican abuse of power in this country. I do wonder why you love Saudi Arabia so much. They are the ones responsible for destruction of the trade center.

  2. This is an outright fabrication! Cindy would never do such a foolish thing because, this righteous mom knows that her followers would have serious spelling problems with anything other than four-letter words!

  3. If I may wax theological, I found it scary to think that perhaps God engineered these two hurricanes to keep attention off of Cindy the Camping Crone.
    Scary, because if that is true, then it means that letting the news people pay attention to her would have been so terrible that it was worth devastating New Orleans to stop, that two storms of wind and rain would be less deadly than one storm of hate-filled agitprop.
    Of course, it could just be a huge coincidence. But it is strange, that just as Cindy began to search for hate-filled lefties to march on Washington, Katrina forced our attentions to giving aid to the victims of the disaster, and Rita will do that yet again just as the lefties begin their “mass” protest, forcing people to again think about how much they can help the storm victims rather than how much they hate Republicans.

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