Two By Two, Hands of Blue

I should mention that I just got all three of the Serenity comic books (the Inara, Kaylee, and Simon covers – each comic has three different character covers done by different artists). Three comics doesn’t make a very long story, but it fills in the gap between the Firefly series and the soon to come Serenity movie, contains two charactes I was disappointed to hear weren’t going to be in the movie (and I now know why), has a character you’d thought was dead, and a surprise announcement at the end. Plus, its got some great art work (not that I have a lot of comics to compare to) and the sort of dialogue you’d expect from Firefly. I had to spend a lot to find a copy of issue one, and I assume the others are now as scarce, but, I’m pretty sure there will be a reprinting and I recommend picking them up if you’re a browncoat.
If people want, I could put up some scans later.


  1. I called my local comic book shop as soon as I found out about the comics, and they saved copies of all 3 issues for me. I think my issue 1 cover is Mal, and issue 3 is River. Can’t remember who’s on 2; might be Kaylee. I’m not a comic book person but I made an exception for these. Can’t wait for the movie! 🙂

  2. Blast you for managing to get an Issue #1!!! (I have #2 & #3, but found out about them too late for issue #1.)
    However, I can taunt you by saying that I’ve already seen the movie. Naa-na-na-naa-naaaa! (Yes, it’s as good as you’re hoping it might be…but I’ll not spoil it for ya!)
    And tell that gorram hump Aquaman to keep his ruttin’ comments to himself.

  3. Blast you for managing to get an Issue #1!!! (I have #2 & #3, but found out about them too late for issue #1.)
    However, I can taunt you by saying that I’ve already seen the movie. Naa-na-na-naa-naaaa! (Yes, it’s as good as you’re hoping it might be…but I’ll not spoil it for ya!)
    And tell that gorram hump Aquaman to keep his ruttin’ comments to himself.

  4. I haven’t read issue #3 yet so I don’t know who’s not in the movie… but the movie website ( lists the entire cast of regulars from the TV show, so it must be a secondary character… Saffron maybe?
    Also… you can get issue #1 at Dark Horse Comics on the web, at If you can’t get in with that link, just go to and either search or browse.
    Just a nice public service announcement from Her Crankiness. 🙂

  5. CrankyBeach,
    Just so’s ya know, Dark Horse doesn’t sell comics directly, but they farm out to Things From Another World or help you find a local dealer. And TFAW (from whom I bought #2 & #3) has been all out of #1 for quite some time. And my local guy is out, too. For now, it’s ebay or wait for the reprint, as far as I can tell.
    Thanks for the links!

  6. I ordered all 9 covers from Things from another World. They only charge 2.99 for each cover then shipping and handling for 2nd day mailing ups was $8.50. I also had them bag and board for 25 cents extra.
    I did that because every time I went to the comic book store in my crappy town they were out because the kept under-ordering.

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